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Foods that need to be avoided by GERD sufferers during fasting


Patients with gastric acid, of course, must choose the right food to eat, especially when fasting. When the stomach is empty during fasting, there is an increase in stomach acid in the body.

If you eat the wrong food, it will have an impact on increasing stomach acid and causing diseases in the digestive system, one of which is GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease).

GERD is a digestive disorder caused by a weakening of the valve before it enters the stomach, this causes the food/drink consumed to rise back up from the stomach to the esophagus, causing a burning feeling in the chest and solar plexus.

The following foods should be avoided in people with stomach acid or GERD:

1. Fatty foods

Foods that contain high fat can cause stomach acid to rise. Foods that contain fat such as meat, fried foods, coconut milk foods, chocolate, and others. Fatty meat contains high fat which causes an increase in stomach acid production. Eating fatty foods should be avoided in people with stomach acid or GERD, because they can exacerbate the symptoms of the digestive system that arise.

2. Foods that are sour

Acidic foods should be avoided in people with gastric acid or GERD. Acidic foods such as sour fruit (oranges, grapes, plums, lemons, kiwis, etc.), vinegary foods, etc. If you eat sour foods, especially on an empty stomach, it can cause symptoms such as feeling hot in your chest and stomach due to increased stomach acid.

3. Foods that are difficult to digest

Foods such as chocolate, cheese, nuts, fried foods, tarts and others are difficult to digest foods that can slow stomach emptying. This can cause increased stomach acid.

4. Spicy food

Spicy foods can cause increased stomach acid production and cause stomach pain and discomfort.

5. Fizzy foods and drinks

Someone who has gastric acid or GERD should not consume food or drinks that contain high gas because it can exacerbate the stomach ulcers they suffer.

In order for fasting to run smoothly in people with stomach acid, it is also recommended to take medication that can reduce the incidence of complaints. Consumption of drugs at dawn and during fasting.
