Lazy about cleaning tartar? Beware of 5 diseases that can arise due to accumulated tartar
Tartar is a dental health problem that is often experienced by many people. This has often been experienced because in fact there are still many people who do not pay attention to dental and oral hygiene. Tartar is a plaque that forms a hardened, dirt-like layer on the teeth. Unlike ordinary plaque, this condition is more difficult to remove by brushing your teeth alone. Even though it does not cause health symptoms or interfere with the functioning of the teeth, it is something you need to be aware of. If continuously ignored, this can cause problems with the teeth and gums.
Risk Factors for Tartar
Tartar buildup can occur due to risk factors such as:
Lack of maintaining dental hygiene
Unhealthy eating patterns
Have a smoking habit
Suffering from dry mouth usually occurs as a side effect of taking certain medications
Consuming too many foods that contain carbohydrates
Health problems that can occur due to tartar buildup:
Some health problems with teeth and gums that can occur if you ignore tartar cleanliness include:
Gingivitis (inflammation of the gums)
One of the effects that most often occurs due to accumulated tartar is gingivitis or inflammation of the gums. After gingivitis occurs, but tartar is still not removed, the gums will wait to be affected by periodontal disease. This disease takes the form of pockets of pus that appear between the gums and teeth
Risk of tooth loss or making teeth become brittle
When periodontitis occurs, the body's defense system will react against the bacteria in the pus pockets of the teeth. However, at the same time, bacteria will also release self-defense substances. This condition causes the tooth bones and surrounding tissue to become damaged. If left untreated, teeth will easily fall out or the bone where the teeth are embedded will thin
Bad breath
Tartar that is not cleaned can trigger gum inflammation and is characterized by bleeding gums and over time this can cause an unpleasant odor. Bad breath or in medical terms halitosis can reduce self-confidence. This can be overcome by cleaning tartar.
Periodontitis is the advanced phase of gingivitis. Receding gums are one of the characteristics of periodontitis. Receding gums are indicated by the visible part of the tooth root surface. Apart from that, the gums will thicken and harden and the attachment between the gums and teeth will become loose. When the gums recede, bacteria are at risk of entering through the gum pockets and then entering the periodontal tissue and causing periodontal inflammation or periodontitis.
If tartar is allowed to accumulate, bacteria can reproduce more freely under the pile of tartar. Bacteria constantly secrete acids that can soften tooth enamel. Ultimately, it can cause cavities to form in the enamel layer.
Reference :
Triple Bristle. Accessed 2023. Dental Calculus (Tartar): Causes, Prevention, & Removal.
Verywell Health. Accessed 2023. Plaque vs. Tartar: What Are the Differences?