tulang, kesehatan tulang, orthopedi

Let's Know and Take Care of Bone Health Early on

Hello Friends of Hermina, bone health is important to maintain, because bones are hard organs that support the body that move our limbs, bones can also protect important organs, protect nerves, and produce red and white blood cells that function to protect the body from infection. . Therefore it is important that we take care of our bones so that bone damage occurs such as osteoporosis, porous bones and other diseases. It's also important to know at a young age that doing a healthy lifestyle is the same as saving bones which can have a positive impact on bone density, this can be done by doing good activities, eating nutritious foods, exercising regularly. Important ages such as the age of 20-30 years still have peak bone density, entering the age of 35 years the density decreases, reduced bone density can cause osteoporosis where the bones will become weak and brittle.

The following factors affect bone health:

  1. Underweight or excess
  2. Unbalanced or irregular eating
  3. Insufficient intake of calcium consumed
  4. Too much or less physical activity
  5. Race and ancestry
  6. Sports done
  7. Likes to smoke and drink alcohol
  8. Health conditions that have anorexia will be at risk for osteoporosis
  9. Certain hormones if too high can cause loss of bone mass, such as thyroid hormone.
  10. The use of drugs or abuse of drugs or illegal substances can cause osteoporosis, damage to the spine, and other conditions.

Here are some ways to maintain bone health that can be done early on:

  1. Consuming the nutritional intake of calcium as needed by the body. The main sources are found in foods such as milk, almonds, broccoli, and those made from soy.
  2. Change the habit of the correct sitting position, with an upright position.
  3. Doing regular exercise in the morning sun.
  4. Do light movements, or activities that can become a habit so you don't continue to sit and stay still.
  5. Taking supplements, vitamins are prioritized for young children whose bones are still in their infancy or developing period.

In addition, there are also many ways or tips that can be done to help increase and maintain bone density, as below:

Try lifting weights and strength training, these activities can help promote new bone growth and maintain existing bone structure. The benefits of such exercise can increase bone mineral density, increase bone size, protection against bone loss, reduce inflammation, increase muscle mass.

For natural ways, there are also many ways, by consuming more vegetables, such as green and yellow vegetables, these vegetables can help increase bone growth in adults and children. Vegetables are a source of vitamin C which can stimulate the production of bone-forming cells. Vegetable nutrition in children can mineralize bone, in adults it can help maintain bone mass. There are studies on broccoli, cabbage or other vegetables that are rich in antioxidants.

Consumption of protein is also sufficient, lack of protein intake will affect bone formation and bone damage. There are studies showing that older women, have better bone density if their youth consume large amounts of protein.

Avoid excessive low-calorie diet, because it is not good. Because it makes the body's metabolism slows down, causes loss of muscle mass, and will be harmful to bone health.

It is necessary to apply the above method to reduce the risk of developing bone problems such as osteoporosis. Due to increasing age, bone density will decrease. Apply a healthy lifestyle from an early age. If you have bone health problems, you can immediately consult or consult an othopedic specialist. The doctor will conduct an examination to determine the cause and determine the treatment according to the complaints experienced.
