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Carrying out the Hajj Pilgrimage? Beware of Heat Stroke

We are currently entering the Hajj season, where many from all over the country will gather in the holy land. Hajj participants in several countries will experience very different climate changes. Therefore, the thing you need to be careful of when performing the Hajj is Heat Stroke.

Heat Strokeis a condition that occurs when body temperature rises above 40-50 degrees Celsius. This condition causes the body's internal systems to slowly begin to malfunction or die. Normally, the body produces sweat to help maintain body temperature through evaporation.

However, when someone is dehydrated, the body cannot produce as much sweat. This causes the blood in the body to clot, so that several organ functions in the body are disrupted. If left untreated, many body organs could experience tissue damage.

His body temperature must be immediately reduced. If not relieved, the sufferer may experience changes in the central nervous system that can lead to coma and convulsions. To prevent a number of undesirable things, here are some symptoms of heat stroke that you need to be aware of.

Symptoms of Heat Stroke that you need to know

Some of the symptoms of heat stroke, if left alone, can trigger damage to body organs such as the liver, kidneys, muscles and heart. Apart from that, Heat Stroke can also trigger a decline in a person's mental condition, such as appearing dazed or confused, and not being self-aware. Here are some symptoms to watch out for:

  • Headache with throbbing sensation
  • Changes in mental condition or behavior, such as confusion, slurred speech, seizures or even coma.
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Definite symptoms are characterized by an increase in body temperature above 40 degrees Celsius
  • Increased respiratory frequency. Breathing becomes more rapid and shallow
  • Significant increase in heart rate. This happens because heat stress makes the heart work extra to help cool the body.
  • The skin turns red, due to increased body temperature
  • If heat stroke is caused by heatstroke, the skin feels hot and dry to the touch.



For this reason, you need to take the right actions and decisions when you experience or see someone with heat stroke symptoms. Waiting for emergency or medical help to arrive, take the heat stroke sufferer to a shady location or indoors. Loosen his clothes so he can breathe and get enough air.

If you are close to a bathtub or cold water, you can splash it on your body. If not available, place the sufferer in an air-conditioned room, or compress the head, neck, armpits and groin using a towel or clothing that has been dampened with water. If it is not done immediately, there may be complications that the sufferer may experience. The complications themselves will depend on how long the body is left in a high temperature. So far there are two serious complications that can be life threatening, namely swelling which leads to permanent damage to vital organs and can cause death.

For this reason, get first aid as soon as possible if you see a relative, relative or someone around you experiencing heat stroke before medical help arrives or you are taken to the nearest hospital.




Better Health. Diakses pada 2024. Heat stress – preventing heat stroke.

Healthgrades. Diakses pada 2024. heat stroke
