Understanding MAAG Disease in Young People

Understanding MAAG Disease in Young People

Ulcer or gastritis is a condition where inflammation occurs in the stomach, causing digestive disorders in humans. Inflammation can occur in the surface layer of the stomach, or it can be deeper and the location of inflammation can occur in just one area or spread to the entire surface. This condition is commonly found in people over 40 years of age, but in developing countries gastritis is often found in people over 20 years of age. Here we will explain the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and how to manage ulcers in young people.


Causes of Ulcers in young people

Ulcers can be caused by various factors. Ulcers in young and productive ages are associated with irregular eating patterns and the habit of eating foods that increase stomach acid production. In young people who are busy, sometimes the symptoms that arise are pushed aside due to busyness and lifestyle, so they don't have time to pay attention to their health, especially if the symptoms that appear don't really interfere with their activities. Then stress, whether in the school or office environment, results in increased stomach acid production. The most common cause is Helicobacter pylori bacterial infection. This infection can occur through food or drink contaminated with bacteria. Smoking habits and alcohol consumption can also worsen ulcers. Medicines for pain relievers can also cause gastritis.


Ulcer symptoms in young people

Ulcer symptoms can vary based on the course of the disease, whether acute (new) or chronic (old) and also depending on how extensive the inflammation is in the stomach. Symptoms that arise range from heartburn, abdominal pain, including nausea, vomiting, weakness, feeling of bloating and fullness, decreased appetite, pale face, increased body temperature, floating sensation and the patient can even vomit blood and defecate with black stools such as coffee.


Diagnosis of ulcers in young people

Diagnosing ulcers is made through interviews regarding the symptoms and course of the disease, physical examination and supporting examinations. Supporting examinations carried out include blood tests, blood tests in stool, gastric endoscopy and anatomical pathology examination.


Management of ulcers in young people

Treatment: depends on the cause of the ulcer. If the cause is infection, then antibiotics are needed, in addition to drugs that reduce stomach acid production and neutralize the stomach acid that has been produced. Ulcer treatment must be appropriate, so that it does not progress to a chronic condition that will cause complications in the future, for example: anemia and stomach cancer.

Healthy diet: consume healthy foods that are not spicy, not acidic and low in fiber. Foods and drinks that contain caffeine should also be avoided because they trigger the production of stomach acid. A regular eating schedule is also very necessary.

Avoid triggers, such as excessive stress, alcohol consumption, smoking. The use of pain medication should first be consulted with a doctor.

Get enough rest: necessary to speed up the healing and recovery process.



Ulcers in young people are caused by many factors. Diagnosis and management of ulcers must be correct so as to prevent complications that will occur in the future .

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