Understanding High Risk Pregnancy: Steps to Keep Mom and Baby Healthy

Understanding High Risk Pregnancy: Steps to Keep Mom and Baby Healthy

Pregnancy is an exciting and hopeful period in a woman's life. However, for some women, pregnancy can also carry high risks that need to be taken seriously. These risks can vary, from pre-existing chronic health problems to complications that arise during pregnancy. Understanding the high risks of pregnancy is very important so that appropriate preventive and management steps can be taken to maintain the health of mother and baby.


High Risk Factors in Pregnancy

There are several factors that can increase the risk of complications in pregnancy. Some of these include the mother's previous health history, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, or a history of difficult or complicated pregnancies. Apart from that, the mother's age can also be a risk factor. Women who become pregnant over the age of 35 years have a higher risk of experiencing complications such as preeclampsia, premature birth, and the birth of babies with low birth weight who are at risk of stunting.


The Importance of Prenatal Examination

Regular prenatal examinations are essential to detect and manage high-risk pregnancies. During prenatal visits, the doctor will monitor the health development of the mother and baby and provide advice about a healthy lifestyle and necessary care. Additional medical tests, such as ultrasound and blood tests, may also be performed to more accurately assess risk.


Steps to Maintain Health

To reduce the risk of complications in pregnancy, there are several steps that pregnant women can take:

  • Health Monitoring: Keep up with all prenatal appointments and communicate with your doctor about any health changes or problems that may arise during pregnancy.
  • Healthy Lifestyle: Adopt a healthy lifestyle including eating nutritious food, exercising regularly (according to doctor's advice), and avoiding risky habits such as smoking or consuming alcohol.
  • Attention to Danger Signs: Know the danger signs such as preeclampsia, bleeding, or decreased fetal movement, and contact your doctor immediately if these symptoms occur.
  • Consult an Expert: Don't hesitate to consult an expert such as a nutritionist, midwife, or counselor if necessary for additional support during pregnancy.



Understanding the high risks involved in pregnancy and the steps you can take to maintain your health is key to ensuring a healthy and safe pregnancy for both mother and baby. With proper prenatal care and attention to danger signs, many complications associated with pregnancy can be prevented or well-managed.


Friends of Hermina , as a friend who cares about your health, always remember the importance of consulting with a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology at Hermina Wonogiri Hospital, especially Dr. Charly Haposan MS, Sp.OG and dr. Cakrabumi Whisnubroto, Sp.OG. They are experts who can provide you with the best care during pregnancy and help keep you and your baby healthy. Don't hesitate to get advice and care from them to ensure your pregnancy goes smoothly and safely.

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