Understanding the Early Signs of Dengue Fever: Important Steps for Early Detection and Prevention

Understanding the Early Signs of Dengue Fever: Important Steps for Early Detection and Prevention


Dengue fever, also known as Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF), is a disease that is of serious concern in various tropical countries, including Indonesia. The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkes RI) continuously provides warnings about the dangers of dengue fever and the importance of early detection and prevention to reduce its impact. Understanding the early signs of dengue fever is an important step in early detection and effective management of this disease.

Early Symptoms of Dengue Fever

The early signs of dengue fever are often similar to those of other illnesses, such as the common cold. However, when these symptoms appear in someone who lives in or travels to an endemic area, dengue fever should be suspected. Early symptoms to pay attention to include:

  1. High Fever : Sudden and high fever is one of the characteristic characteristics of dengue fever. Body temperature can reach 40 degrees Celsius or more.
  2. Joint and Muscle Pain : Dengue fever sufferers often experience pain in the joints, muscles and bones, which is often accompanied by a feeling of aches.
  3. Nausea and Vomiting : Digestive disorders such as nausea and vomiting often occur in dengue fever sufferers.
  4. Skin Rash : Skin rashes can appear in the form of red spots similar to a measles rash. This rash usually appears after several days of fever.

Early Detection and Prevention Steps

  1. Medical Consultation : If a person experiences the symptoms mentioned above, it is important to seek medical help immediately. The doctor will carry out further examinations and provide the correct diagnosis.
  2. Laboratory Tests : Routine blood tests can help in the diagnosis of dengue fever. This test will check the platelet count and signs of inflammation in the body.
  3. Symptomatic Management : Treatment of dengue fever generally focuses on relieving symptoms, such as fever and pain. However, in severe cases, sufferers require intensive treatment in hospital.
  4. Prevention : The best preventive measure is to avoid bites from the Aedes aegypti mosquito which spreads the dengue fever virus. This involves the use of mosquito nets, clothing that covers the body completely, and the use of anti-mosquito medication.

Treatment of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever

There is no specific treatment that can be done to treat dengue fever, you just need to prevent complications by reducing the symptoms that appear while making efforts to prevent more severe viral infections.

 Some efforts that can be taken to treat dengue fever are:

  • Take fever-reducing medication to reduce fever.
  • Consume sufficient amounts of water to prevent dehydration.
  • Monitor the frequency of urination and the amount of urine excreted.

If the patient is very weak and unable to consume large amounts of water, the doctor will usually provide additional fluids via an infusion method. Apart from that, Hermina's friends are not advised to take painkillers because they can increase the risk of bleeding.

Dengue fever is a serious health problem, but with early detection and proper prevention, its impact can be reduced. Educating yourself and those around you about the early signs of dengue fever is an important step in efforts to prevent and control this disease. With the cooperation of all parties, we can protect ourselves and our loved ones from the dangers of dengue fever.

DHF is difficult to detect from the start, therefore if Hermina Friends experience typical symptoms of DHF such as red spots on the skin or a number of other symptoms, immediately consult a doctor at Hermina Wonogiri General Hospital .


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