Shortness of breath is a condition when a person has difficulty in breathing. In medical terms, this condition is also known as dyspnea. Shortness of breath is a symptom of disease of the heart or lungs.

Shortness of breath can occur suddenly and in a short period of time (acute) or in a long and recurrent period of time (chronic). If you do not get proper treatment, shortness of breath can cause the body to lack oxygen (hypoxia) and cause serious complications.

Causes of shortness of breath

Shortness of breath can be caused by physical or psychological (psychological) disorders. Shortness of breath due to physical disorders occurs because the respiratory system and blood circulation are unable to circulate enough oxygen to the body.

While shortness of breath due to psychological disorders occurs due to the body's response to the face-or-flight mechanism (fight-or-flight) when experiencing mental stress.

Shortness of breath is common in cases of attack and heart failure, but similar conditions can also be found in other disorders. Although not easy, these conditions can be distinguished and determine the type of help provided.

Disorders of the heart

Shortness of breath due to heart disorders occurs when the heart is unable to pump oxygen-rich blood optimally.

Shortness of breath due to heart problems occurs without triggers, different from those caused by asthma or allergies. These triggers can be dust, cold air, or cigarette smoke. While shortness of breath due to infection is usually accompanied by fever and coughing. In addition, shortness of breath due to heart problems occurs suddenly accompanied by cold sweats with or without complaints of previous chest pain.

Disorders of the lungs

Shortness of breath due to disorders of the lungs can occur due to obstacles in the airways, reduced lung surface area, or inelastic lungs. This condition can occur in a short (acute) or long (chronic) period of time.

Tightness due to Asthma

Symptoms of asthma itself, can also be seen from the shortness of breath that exists, and can be the main symptom. When we have asthma, the lungs are more susceptible to irritation, which then causes shortness of breath. So it is not surprising, for those who experience asthma, often short of breath.

These symptoms, begin to appear when the airways of the lungs, are inflamed and blocked. From there, the lungs find it difficult to take in air completely, and there are additional symptoms that accompany this, namely coughing, wheezing, and chest pain.

Tightness due to Heart Attack

Symptoms of chest pain, which is present in a heart attack, are more chest that feels being pressed, squeezed, making it very uncomfortable. In addition, chest pain in a heart attack is also often accompanied by other symptoms, such as nausea, shortness of breath, to cold sweat.

The head also feels light, and the feeling of fatigue is very pronounced. Not all, people who experience heart disease must experience chest pain. For chest pain, it is generally often experienced by men rather than women (for cardiac ones).

Symptoms of a heart attack in women, more to pain in the arms, neck, to the jaw in general. Chest pain due to a heart attack, can not be relieved when taking stomach acid relievers. There are no symptoms of flatulence for this disease.

Shortness of breath, not only due to lack of oxygen or complications. However, it could be a sign of certain diseases, ranging from asthma, GERD, and heart. The way of healing is also different, and the characteristics of shortness of breath in a disease are also different, so we need to know and not panic when facing it.

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