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Detecting Childhood Cancer: 5 Symptoms Not to Ignore

Childhood cancer, although rare, is a difficult reality for many parents. Although the incidence rate is lower compared to adult cancer cases, it is important to understand that childhood cancer is a serious problem that requires immediate attention. In an effort to detect and address this issue early, parents and caregivers need to understand the symptoms of childhood cancer. Here are 5 symptoms to look out for:

1.Drastic Weight Change:

Unusual weight changes in children can be an early sign of cancer. If mom and dad notice significant weight loss for no apparent reason, such as a change in diet or physical activity, consult a doctor immediately. This could be an indicator of more serious health problems, including the possibility of cancer.

2. Painless Swelling or Lump:

Swelling or lumps that do not cause pain in a particular part of the body should be of concern. Changes in the size, shape, or consistency of the lump need to be watched closely. If the swelling does not go away or even gets bigger, contact your doctor immediately for further evaluation.

3. Excessive Fatigue:

Fatigue is a common symptom in children, but excessive and unnatural fatigue can be a sign of a serious health problem. If your child is constantly tired, lethargic, or loses energy for no apparent reason, see a doctor immediately. Unreasonable fatigue can be a symptom of cancer or other health problems that require medical attention.

4. Persistent or Unusual Pain:

Persistent or unusual pain in a child's body needs to be observed carefully. If your child's complaints of pain do not improve or cannot be explained by physical activity or injury, investigate further. Persistent pain may be a symptomatic sign of cancer.

5. Changes in Bowel or Urination Patterns:

Changes in a child's bowel or urination patterns, especially in parts of the body related to the digestive tract or urinary system, can be a sign of cancer. Look out for changes in the color, consistency, or frequency of bowel movements or urination. If there are noticeable changes that cannot be explained by changes in diet or other factors, consult a doctor immediately.

It is important to remember that these symptoms do not necessarily indicate the presence of cancer, but can be a clue to seek further medical help. Early detection is very important in managing childhood cancer. Regular health monitoring and consultation with a doctor are crucial steps in maintaining a child's health. Do not hesitate to take action when observing suspicious symptoms in your child.

If mom and dad find the child experiencing signs and health problems that lead to cancer symptoms, they should take the child to the doctor. By visiting the doctor, the child will undergo an examination to find out the exact condition.

Some diagnoses that can be done are X-rays, biopsies, blood tests, CT scans, MRI, ultrasound. When the results of the child's examination show cancer, the doctor will recommend the type of treatment according to the type of cancer, stage, and level of spread.

Always remember that the worst risk of cancer is death. Don't be ignorant of any changes that occur in your child's body!
