Why should you have a Lactation Consultation?

Why should you have a Lactation Consultation?

Lactation consultation is important when mothers have problems breastfeeding their babies. Not only when having breastfeeding problems, according to WHO, lactation consultations can be carried out at gestational age, namely at 28-36 weeks of age with the aim that the mother has information on what needs to be done during pregnancy and during breastfeeding so that the process can run smoothly.

What is a lactation consultation for?

1. Increase mother's confidence while breastfeedingSelf-confidence that mothers can breastfeed their children is important in order to stay enthusiastic while breastfeeding their children
2. Reducing the risk of stress arising from breastfeeding
    Information and advice from doctors is very important so that mothers are alert and remain calm while breastfeeding and when they have problems with breastfeeding
3. Exclusive breast feeding is going well
    The exclusive breastfeeding program must run well because the important initial nutrients are in breast milk and breast milk is the main food for the baby.
4. Provide an overview of how solid complementary foods are
    If the baby is ready to receive complementary foods, lactation consultation is important in order to choose the right food
5. Knowing problems during breastfeeding
    Mothers do not need to worry about lactation consultations, knowledge of breastfeeding problems has been obtained and can be anticipated during the breastfeeding process
6. Follow up on problems that occur while breastfeeding
    Lactation consultation also solves problems during breastfeeding, with therapies that doctors apply and can be trained by the mother herself while at home.



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