Sharpening Motor and Sensory Skills with Occupational Therapy
Definition of Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapy is a form of treatment that aims to help individuals with physical, mental, or cognitive limitations. Through this therapy, it is hoped that the sufferer can reduce dependence on others in carrying out daily activities.
Why is occupational therapy necessary?
Occupational therapy is intended for individuals with physical, mental or cognitive disabilities to help them return to normal daily activities. However, it is important for the person to consult with their doctor and family members before deciding to pursue this therapy. The doctor will conduct an evaluation to understand the extent to which the patient has difficulty in carrying out daily activities.
The following are some of the conditions that require occupational therapy:
- People who are recovering and returning to work after sustaining an injury on the job.
- People who are born with mental and physical disabilities that require special attention. In addition, therapy is also important for individuals who suddenly experience serious health problems, such as stroke, heart attack, brain injury, etc.
- Individuals who have difficulty in learning or face abnormal development.
Benefits of Occupational Therapy
1.Post-injury or stroke rehabilitation
Helps patients relearn lost skills.
2.Support for Children with Special Needs
Children with autism, ADHD, or other developmental disorders can be helped to develop social and motor skills.
3.Support for the Elderly
Helping the elderly maintain independence in the face of declining physical or cognitive function.
Process in Occupational Therapy
1.Initial Assessment
The occupational therapist will assess the individual's needs, abilities and goals.
2.Therapy Program Planning
A therapy program is developed that is tailored to the patient's needs, such as fine motor exercises, creative activities, or the use of assistive devices.
3.Implementation of Therapy
Therapy is carried out with activities, such as play exercises for children.
4.Periodic Evaluation
The therapist will monitor progress and adjust the program if necessary.
Occupational therapy side effects
Occupational therapy is a safe procedure with minimal side effects. However, there are some patients who may experience complaints such as muscle pain, chest discomfort, and feelings of confusion after undergoing the therapy.
accessed in 2024
Hermina Hospitals accessed in 2024, Okupasi Terapi
Yakes Kemenkes accessed in 2024, Mengenal Terapi Okupasi
Halodoc accessed in 2024, Terapi Okupas