vaksinasi, kesehatan anak

Overcoming Vaccine Hesitancy to Build Collective Health

Vaccine hesitancy poses a serious challenge in the efforts to prevent diseases. Triggers for this hesitancy include inaccurate information or a lack of understanding about the safety and benefits of vaccination. This article aims to provide a more holistic perspective by involving the healthcare viewpoint to address public concerns. The hope is that this article can deepen understanding of the urgency of vaccination in protecting individual health and building overall public health sustainability.

Government Efforts and Vaccination Programs in Indonesia:

The Indonesian government has been proactive in increasing vaccination coverage through integrated strategies, including socialization, education, and partnerships with the community and private sectors. Two main programs, the Complete Basic Immunization Program (CBIP) and Routine Immunization Program (RIP), are the main pillars in providing comprehensive protection.

1. Complete Basic Immunization Program (CBIP):
   This program not only offers vaccination as a preventive measure but also as a special moment in the health journey of children. By designing the "Vaccination as Little Heroes" program, the government aims to provide a positive and meaningful experience, building awareness of the importance of immunity.

2. Routine Immunization Program (RIP):
   RIP not only focuses on vaccine provision but also introduces the concept of "Vaccination Plus," involving the general public in awareness campaigns and joint activities. This aims to create an emotional bond between the community and vaccination programs, enhancing active participation.

Objectives of Vaccination Programs in Indonesia:

The objectives of vaccination programs in Indonesia not only include disease prevention and improving quality of life but also involve the community as active partners in achieving these goals. The concept of "Health Together" is introduced as an integral part of the objectives, urging the community to contribute positively to personal and environmental health.

Successes and Challenges:

Despite successfully reducing morbidity and mortality rates, challenges persist. The "Mobile Vaccination Clinics" program is proposed as an innovative step to increase coverage, overcome geographical constraints, and provide direct education to hard-to-reach communities.


With a profound understanding of the benefits of vaccination, it is hoped that the public can overcome hesitancy and support vaccination programs. This article encourages active participation, inviting the community to celebrate collective successes and build a strong foundation for sustainable collective health.
