
Get to know the 5 types of therapy that are commonly practiced in medical rehabilitation

Rehabilitation is required for trauma, postoperative, or stroke patients. Medical Rehab Doctors create a rehabilitation program so that patients can recover properly and be able to carry out daily activities as before. Doctors and therapists will make functional targets according to the patient's abilities. In general, there are two types of rehabilitation therapy, namely inpatient and outpatient care. The following types of therapy are commonly used for rehabilitation: 1. Physical therapy Physical therapy or physiotherapy is done to help and treat pain, difficulty moving, or difficulties living a normal life, can be done in patients after stroke, injury, postpartum recovery, sports injuries, chronic diseases such as heart disease or arthritis, and surgery. Physical therapy includes:  Stretching exercises.  Massage, hot or cold therapy, to relieve muscle pain and spasms.  Practice using assistive devices, such as a cane, crutches, walker or wheelchair.  Balance and gait exercises.  Cardiovascular strengthening. 2. Occupational therapy Occupational Therapy aims to help individuals to be able to carry out work or daily activities, such as taking care of themselves (eating, dressing, brushing teeth), and carrying out activities independently. People who need occupational therapy are:  Children with physical disabilities.  Adults with depressive disorder.  People who have lost the ability to hold objects such as cutlery, stationery and other objects.  Elderly with physical limitations.  People with spinal cord injuries. 3. Speech therapy / speech therapy This therapy is for training patients with language and speech problems. Speech therapy can help treat a variety of problems related to language, communication, voice and swallowing. The strategies used by the therapist are language exercises to practice communication skills, articulation therapy (demonstrating how to move the tongue to make certain sounds), and feeding and swallowing therapy (tongue, lip and jaw exercises to strengthen the muscles of the mouth and throat). Some of the problems that can be overcome with talk therapy are:  Cerebral palsy.  Cleft palates. Down syndrome causing difficulty drinking, swallowing, or communicating.  Children with speech problems, such as stuttering or slurring.  Adults with certain conditions that cause speech difficulties, such as stroke, neck or head cancer.  People with Parkinson's or dementia. 4. Respiratory therapy Respiratory therapy is used to help individuals who experience breathing problems or difficulties, namely by helping sufferers overcome respiratory problems, keeping their airways open, being taught how to use inhalers and additional oxygen properly. 5. Cognitive rehabilitation This therapy is also known as cognitive behavioral rehabilitation. This type of therapy is done to improve memory, thinking skills, and reasoning. So, that's the information that needs to be known, if Hermina's best friend needs immediate therapy, consult a medical rehabilitation doctor.
