Get to know Andrology: The Medical Science that Understands Men's Health

Get to know Andrology: The Medical Science that Understands Men's Health

Andrology is a branch of science in the field of medicine, many people do not know about this science especially for the layman. Andrology is a medical specialty that deals with men's health specifically on issues related to the male reproductive and urinary systems.


Andrology examination services are important to identify and diagnose problems with male reproductive organs. When experiencing complaints in the male reproductive organs, it is recommended to visit an andrology specialist. Andrology examination includes a wide range of tests and evaluations, such as DNA fragmentation test on sperm, semen analysis, erection testing, and other examinations.


Some of the common health problems that andrology specialists treat include erectile dysfunction, male infertility, and testosterone imbalance. Erectile dysfunction can also be an early sign of more serious health conditions. Male infertility, which affects about 15% of couples worldwide, can often be resolved with proper treatment. Testosterone imbalances that can cause fatigue, decreased libido, and depression can be identified and treated through andrological examinations.


Lifestyle and Prevention

Lifestyle patterns play an important role in maintaining andrology health. These include eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding bad habits such as smoking and alcohol consumption. Managing stress and maintaining weight is also a contribution to male reproductive health. This can improve sperm quality, maintain optimal sexual function, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.


Examinations that can be done by an Andrologist

This examination can be done for those of you who want to check your fertility for a pregnancy program.  There are several types of male fertility checks, namely:


  1. Semen Analysis

Is a test conducted to determine the potential of male fertility. This test can provide information on sperm production, motility, and sperm survival as well as emission and ejaculation.


  1. Sperm DNA Fragmentation Test

Used to measure the amount of damage to sperm DNA in the semen.


  1. Sperm Oxidative Stress Test

Oxidative stress is one of the causes of male infertility, oxidative stress can not only affect sperm but also potentially have consequences at a systematic level such as a decrease in the amount of testoserone.


  1. Sperm Viability Test


  1. Sperm Hyaluronan Binding Test


Hence, the importance of andrology health awareness and proactive measures to maintain health for men. Regular andrology check-ups not only help in early detection and prevention, but also improve the overall quality of life. Hence, it is highly recommended for men to take regular check-ups to an Andrologist as part of comprehensive health care.






1. Mayo Clinic - Men's Health. Accessed on 2024.

2. National Institutes of Health (NIH) - Male Infertility. Accessed on 2024.

3. World Health Organization. Accessed on 2024.

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