Know what mammae is?

Know what mammae is?

Hermina's friends, in general breast cancer is a dangerous type of tumor that develops in breast tissue. This disease can begin to appear in the mammary glands, milk ducts, fatty tissue, or connective tissue in the breasts. In Indonesia, breast cancer is one of the main causes of cancer death and has the highest number of patients. Breast cancer is more common in women, but can also appear in men, although in very rare cases.


It is known that the characteristics of breast cancer can appear from the early stages of this disease, so it can be considered as an early sign of breast cancer. As with other types of cancer, breast cancer often has no symptoms. Usually, changes in the breasts will be seen during routine breast examinations, either self-examination (BSE) or clinical examination (SADANIS).


The symptoms experienced are as follows:

- Experiencing enlargement or swelling in the armpit area

-The appearance of a lump or change in shape in the breast

- Pain or discomfort in the breast area

-Changes in breast skin, such as redness or wrinkles

-Changes in the nipple, such as inward pulling or fluid output.


The cause of breast cancer is still not certain. However, there are several factors that can cause the risk of this disease, including:

-Family history or hereditary factors, women who have a mother, sister, or child who has been diagnosed with cancer have a three times higher risk of developing breast cancer

-Genetic and hormonal factors

-Excess weight after menopause

-Have experienced breast problems that are not cancer

-Age factor, about six out of ten cases of breast cancer occur in individuals over 60 years of age, with the highest risk seen in women over 75 years of age

-Exposure to chemicals similar to estrogen, which are often found in pesticides and other industrial products

-Starting menstruation before the age of 12 years, experiencing menopause after 55 years, getting pregnant for the first time after 30 years, or never having been pregnant

-Alcohol consumption exceeds one or two drinks per day

-Having previously had breast cancer can increase the chance of cancer appearing in healthy breasts by 0.5 to 1 percent, etc.


Friends of Hermina, if you experience unusual symptoms in your breasts, immediately consult a specialist surgeon at RSU Hermina Solo to undergo a comprehensive breast cancer screening.









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