cegahdbd, dbd

What is Dengue Fever and How to Prevent It

Every day 2 people die from dengue fever, about 75% of cases occur in the age of 5 - 44 years. Dengue fever or DHF is a disease transmitted through Aedes aegypti & Aedes albopictus mosquitoes, caused by 4 types of dengue fever viruses and a person can be infected with the dengue virus up to several times. If exposed for the second time it can increase the risk of severe dengue fever to death, this mosquito bites in the morning and evening where many activities are carried out.
Be aware of the increase in dengue when the rainy season arrives, during the rainy season it is necessary to be aware because it will create a lot of puddles which are breeding grounds for dengue mosquitoes. Puddles of water that appear in holes or on used goods are a place for mosquitoes to develop, therefore it must be more vigilant.

Symptoms of DHF
Some common symptoms last 2-7 days
- Pain in the eyes
- Headache, muscle and bone pain
- Rash or spots on the skin
- Feeling nauseous and wanting to vomit
- Joint pain

If several symptoms occur as below are dangerous symptoms that need to be aware of
- No improvement after the temperature drops
- Refusing to eat and drink
- Continuous vomiting
- Severe abdominal pain
- Weakness, lethargy and feeling like sleeping all the time, behavioral changes
- Pallor, cold hands and feet
- Bleeding

Things that need to be done to prevent dengue fever infection include fogging with the aim of killing adult mosquitoes, but mosquito larvae, which are the main source of the problem, are not affected by fogging. For the larvae problem, surveillance and monitoring of larvae or Jumantik is a very effective movement effort, each house has one larvae monitor and conducts the 3M+ movement, burying, draining, covering, folding hanging clothes that become mosquito nests. Vaccinating or immunizing is important, dengue fever vaccine complements family protection with dengue fever vaccine can prevent dengue disease and reduce the risk of severity and don't forget to consult with a pediatrician before vaccinating, dengue fever vaccine is available for children or adults at Hermina Pekalongan Hospital. Get immunized to protect your family.


Satu Rumah satu Jumantik (2019), Sehat Negriku

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Diakses pada 2024. Dengue

dr. Fanny Pritaningrum, Sp.A (2024), Seminar Pentingnya Pencegahan DBD Pada Anak
