Get to Know Spinal Endoscopy: An Advanced Procedure to Treat Various Spinal Disorders

Get to Know Spinal Endoscopy: An Advanced Procedure to Treat Various Spinal Disorders

Back pain and nerve problems are common health challenges in Indonesia, affecting around 28.1% of the population aged 15 years and above, according to 2018 Basic Health Research data. However, with advancements in medical technology, innovative solutions such as Spinal Endoscopy are now a promising option. This article will comprehensively discuss what Spinal Endoscopy is, how the procedure is performed, its benefits, treatable conditions, and who is an ideal candidate for the procedure.

What is Spinal Endoscopy?

Spinal Endoscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that utilizes tiny cameras and specialized instruments to address problems in the spinal area. Through small incisions, this procedure minimizes trauma and pain compared to traditional surgery.

How is the Spinal Endoscopy Procedure Performed?

1. Sedate the Patient: The patient may be anesthetized locally or generally, depending on the need.

2. Small Incision: The doctor makes an incision of about 8 mm in the back area.

3. Use of Endoscope Camera: An endoscope camera is inserted through the incision to visualize the problem area.

4. Corrective Measures: Mini-surgical instruments are inserted through another incision to perform actions such as decompression, foraminotomy, disectomy, or spinal fusion.

5. Incision Closure: Once the procedure is complete, the incision is closed with sutures.

Advantages of Spinal Endoscopy:

1. Minimally Invasive: Small incisions reduce trauma and pain.

2. Quick Recovery: Patients can go home in a short time after surgery.

3. Fewer Complications: Lower risk of infection and bleeding.

4. Effective Results: Pain relief and improved nerve function.

Conditions that can be treated with Spinal Endoscopy:

1. Foraminal stenosis

2. HNP (Hernia of the Nucleus Pulposus) or pinched nerve 3.

3. Degenerative disc

4. Scoliosis

5. Spondylolisthesis

6. Spinal trauma

Who are the Right Candidates for Spine Endoscopy?

Patients with the spinal conditions described above may be potential candidates. However, the final decision is made by the doctor after a thorough examination and evaluation.

Find a Neurosurgeon for Spinal Endoscopy:

1. Consultation with a Doctor: Speak to a neurosurgeon at a trusted hospital in your city.

2. Find More Information: Find information about doctors and hospitals that provide spinal endoscopy services through the internet.

With Spinal Endoscopy, the hope of a quick and effective recovery becomes more real for those with back pain and nerve problems. Consult your doctor to get more specific information that suits your condition.


  1. This article is for informational and educational purposes only.
  2. Always consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.
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