
Get to know the stages of pregnancy

Pregnancy is a condition used to describe the period during which a fetus develops in the uterus. Pregnancy lasts 40 weeks from the last menstrual period.

Pregnancy is divided into 3 different trimesters;

1. First Trimester (1-13 weeks).
In this phase there will be an increase in the beta hcg hormone in the mother which functions to maintain pregnancy.
The first trimester is the growth phase of the fetal organs which will be completed at 13 weeks of gestation.
This moment is very important for pregnant women to maintain optimal nutritional intake.
In addition to eating a variety of foods, the need for vitamins and minerals during pregnancy increases and must be met, such as folic acid, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, vitamin A and other minerals.

This first trimester is also the right time to carry out initial laboratory tests (Hb, HIV, Hepatitis, Syphilis) and ultrasound examinations with the aim of getting an accurate gestational age (especially if the mother forgot her last menstruation) and to see signs of abnormalities in the fetus (screening trimester 1)

Genetic tests such as NIPT to see if there are chromosomal abnormalities, can already be done at a gestational age above 10 weeks.

2. Second Trimester
The second trimester (14 to 27 weeks) is the most comfortable period for pregnant women where early pregnancy complaints have begun to decrease.

In this phase, pregnant women can feel fetal movements for the first time at 18-20 weeks.
In the 2nd trimester it is important to do a screening ultrasound examination (at 22-24 weeks of gestation) which assesses all the fetal organs starting from the structure of the head and brain, chest and abdominal organs, as well as the limbs and fingers of the fetus.

Laboratory tests were carried out again to evaluate Hb levels and diabetes screening in pregnancy with an OGTT examination (oral glucose tolerance test) which was carried out at 24-28 weeks' gestation.

3. Third Trimester (29 -40 weeks)

In the third trimester, the growth of the fetus will take place quite quickly where the fetus's weight can increase by 200 grams every week.
I get shape.

As the fetus grows larger, the mother can feel and feel the protruding elbow or heel of the baby on the mother's stomach.

In the 9th month or above 37 weeks of gestation, the baby's lungs are mature and the baby is declared at term (ripe) to be able to live outside the womb

In the third trimester, the mother will begin to feel false contractions (braxton hicks), where these contractions are fast and irregular. In contrast to labor contractions that last longer and more regularly.

Laboratory and ultrasound examinations in the third trimester are aimed at assessing the readiness of the mother to be able to deliver, either normal or cesarean.
In general, pregnancy checks are carried out when it is stated that you are pregnant (after a late period with positive pack test results or visible results from an ultrasound examination by an obstetrician). Examinations are carried out to ensure that the condition of the mother and fetus is in a healthy condition. Apart from one to ensure the health condition of the mother and fetus, this examination is also carried out to ensure the lifestyle and diet that the mother needs to follow to maintain health during pregnancy.
During pregnancy, mothers will also be advised to do laboratory tests and do ultrasound every trimester.
An ultrasound examination is carried out to ensure the baby's health condition is in good condition.
By doing an ultrasound, the mother can find out the baby's development such as weight, location of the placenta, amount of amniotic fluid and of course assess the completeness of the baby's organs.
 Mothers can also find out the sex of the baby through ultrasound when the pregnancy enters the second trimester.


Consult an obstetrician immediately when the mother experiences some of the symptoms and signs of danger of pregnancy such as bleeding in the birth canal, discharge of water (amniotic fluid), reduced fetal movement, or feeling heartburn/contractions before 37

dr. Marcel Elian Suwito, Sp.OG, FICS is an obstetrician who practices at Hermina Serpong Hospital and can help mothers to monitor the condition of the mother and fetus during pregnancy.
Please contact Hermina Serpong Hospital for info and doctor's practice schedule.

