#tht, #audiometri, #pemeriksaantht

Know the Symptoms of Audiometry Examination

Audiometry is a hearing test used to evaluate a person's hearing ability. This test is performed by an audiologist, a health professional who specializes in hearing problems. Audiometry is often done as part of a routine health checkup, especially for people who have hearing problems or are at risk for hearing problems.
Audiometry results are represented in the form of an audiogram, a graph showing the threshold of hearing at various frequencies. With this audiogram, the audiologist can evaluate the type and severity of hearing problems, and provide recommendations for treatment or further management if needed.
Audiometry is very important in identifying hearing problems as early as possible, so that corrective action or medical intervention can be carried out to prevent further or correct existing hearing loss. Audiometric tests also help audiologists determine which type of hearing aid or other hearing therapy device is best suited to an individual's needs.
When experiencing hearing loss, a person will also usually experience the following signs and symptoms:
•   Frequently asking others to repeat words
•   Difficulty understanding the speech or words of the other person or people around you
•    Headache
•   Dizziness or vertigo
•  Burgling ears
Hearing loss also causes sufferers to often feel tired, stressed, and even withdraw from the social environment. As previously mentioned, hearing loss can be temporary or permanent and generally occurs gradually with age.
However, hearing loss can sometimes occur suddenly. If a friend of Hermina Serpong Hospital experiences any of the above symptoms, you should immediately consult an ENT doctor. The doctor will evaluate hearing function by carrying out ear examinations and hearing tests, one of which is an audiometric test.
The audiometry test usually takes 40–60 minutes. This test does not require any special preparation and does not pose any risks. During the examination, you only need to follow the instructions from the audiologist.
If Hermina's friends or family experience some symptoms of hearing loss, you should immediately consult a specialist so that a hearing examination and test (including an audiometric test) can be carried out to assess how good your hearing ability is.
