Get to know the symptoms of hernia starting from the cause and how to treat it

Get to know the symptoms of hernia starting from the cause and how to treat it

Straining in the toilet (due to long-term constipation, for example) continuous coughing cystic fibrosis enlarged prostate straining to urinate overweight or obesity abdominal fluid lifting heavy items peritoneal dialysis malnutrition smoking physical exertion undescended testicles The most common symptom of a hernia is a bulge or lump in the affected area.

A hernia is a lump that appears due to the escape of an internal organ through weakened surrounding tissue. If left untreated, a hernia can cause blood flow blockage resulting in tissue death.

Causes of Hernia
A hernia occurs when an organ protrudes through weakened surrounding tissue. The causes can vary, including:

  • Pertambahan age or aging
  • Sering lifting heavy weights
  • Menjalani abdominal surgery
  • Berat overweight or obesity
  • Batuk chronic
  • Sembelit

In addition to the above conditions, there are factors that can increase a person's risk of suffering from a dropped back or hernia, including:

  • Terlahir being premature or having a low birth weight
  • Memiliki family history of hernia
  • Mengalami increased pressure within the abdominal wall due to pregnancy
  • Pernah undergoing hernia repair surgery

Hernia Symptoms
Hernia symptoms can vary, depending on the type the patient is experiencing. The following are the types of hernias and the symptoms that accompany them:
1. Inguinal hernia
Inguinal hernias are most commonly experienced by men. This condition occurs when the intestines or tissues in the abdominal cavity protrude into the groin, causing symptoms such as:

  • Benjolan in the groin affected by the hernia, but disappears when lying down
  • Nyeri in the groin, especially when coughing, exercising or lifting heavy items
  • Selangkangan feeling heavy or hot
  • Bengkak and pain in the sac of the testicles (scrotum)

2. Femoral hernia
A femoral hernia occurs when tissue or part of the intestine protrudes into the inner upper thigh. Femoral hernias are more common in women who are overweight.
Symptoms of a femoral hernia include:

  • Nyeri in the groin when standing, lifting heavy objects, coughing, or exercising
  • Sakit abdomen
  • Mual and vomiting

3. Umbilical hernia
An umbilical hernia occurs when part of the intestine or tissue protrudes through the muscle near the navel. This type of hernia is commonly experienced by infants due to their umbilical cord holes not closing completely.
Symptoms of an umbilical hernia include:

  • Pusar protruding reddish or purplish in color
  • Perut round shape
  • Perut feels full
  • Perut pain when pressed
  • Sembelit
  • Demam
  • Muntah

4. Hiatal hernia
A hiatal hernia, also known as a diaphragmatic hernia, occurs when part of the stomach protrudes into the chest cavity. The lump enters through the muscle that separates the chest cavity and the abdominal cavity (diaphragm).
Common symptoms of a hiatal hernia are:

  • Nyeri heartburn
  • Penyakit acid reflux (GERD)
  • Kesulitan swallowing (dysphagia)
  • Sesak breathing
  • Muntah blood
  • Dada pain
  • Sakit stomach
  • Tinja blackish color

5. Incisional hernia
An incisional hernia occurs when tissue protrudes through a surgical scar in the abdomen. Common symptoms are:

  • Sembelit
  • Benjolan near the surgical incision
  • Nyeri around the lump
  • Jantung rapid heartbeat (tachycardia)
  • Mual and vomiting
  • Demam

6. Epigastric hernia
An epigastric hernia occurs when tissue protrudes through the upper abdominal wall, from the solar plexus to the navel. Symptoms of this condition include:

  • Benjolan above the navel
  • Nyeri around the hernia lump
  • Sakit abdomen, especially when, sneezing, coughing, or laughing

7. Spigelian hernia
A spigelian hernia occurs when a portion of the intestine protrudes from the spigelian abdominal connective tissue (spigelian fascia). Symptoms include:

  • Benjolan below or next to the belly button
  • Sakit an intermittent or persistent abdomen
  • Sakit abdomen when exercising, lifting heavy objects, or during bowel movements
  • Sembelit

8. Muscle hernia
A muscle hernia occurs when a portion of muscle protrudes through the muscle's protective layer (fascia). Unlike other types of hernias, they most commonly occur in the shin muscles of the legs due to injury, either from exercising too strenuously or lifting weights.
Symptoms of a muscle hernia include prolonged pain in the leg and may be accompanied by swelling. This swelling may disappear when resting and reappear when the muscle is tensed.
When to see a doctor?
See a doctor if you experience the symptoms of a hernia as mentioned above. Examination and treatment need to be done immediately if:

  • Nyeri appears suddenly and feels severe
  • Benjolan hernia changes color to purple or black
  • Benjolan the hernia is painful and hard
  • Sulit defecation or passing gas
  • Mual and severe vomiting Fever

Hernia Diagnosis
The doctor will ask questions about the symptoms and history of the disease, followed by a physical examination of the patient. After that, the doctor will perform further examinations, such as:

  • USG, to look inside the abdominal and pelvic organs
  • Foto X-rays, to examine the esophagus, stomach and intestines
  • CT scan, to examine in more detail the internal organs of the abdominal cavity
  • MRI, to detect tears in the abdominal muscles, even if there is no visible lump
  • Endoskopi, to examine the inside of the esophagus and stomach

Hernia Treatment
After determining the diagnosis, the doctor will determine the appropriate treatment according to the type of hernia and the patient's condition. Some of the treatment methods that can be done by doctors are:

Administration of drugs
Administration of drugs can be done to people with hiatal hernia. These drugs function to reduce stomach acid to relieve symptoms. Some types of drugs that are prescribed are:

  • Antasida
  • Antagonis H-2 receptors
  • Penghambat proton pump (PPI)

Surgery to treat a hernia can be done by open surgery or keyhole surgery (laparoscopy). There are several surgical methods that can be performed by doctors to treat hernias, namely:

  • Herniotomi

Herniotomy is performed by making an incision in the abdomen to remove the hernia sac.

  • Herniorafi

Similar to a herniotomy, a hernioraphy is performed by stitching the area of the hernia exit to strengthen the abdominal wall.

  • Hernioplasti

In hernioplasty, the doctor will use a synthetic mesh to close the hole where the hernia exits.

Hernia Complications
Hernias that are not treated promptly will grow larger and press on the surrounding tissue. This can lead to complications such as:

  • Hernia incarceration

An incarcerated hernia is when the intestine becomes trapped in the abdominal wall, causing severe pain, nausea, vomiting and difficulty passing stools.

  • Hernia strangulata

A strangulated hernia is when blood flow to a part of the intestine is blocked, causing tissue death.

Hernia Prevention
The following are efforts that can be made to prevent hernias:

  • Berhenti smoking
  • Berolahraga regularly
  • Menjaga ideal body weight
  • Mengonsumsi healthy, nutritionally complete and balanced diet
  • Memperbanyak fiber intake to prevent constipation
  • Tidak lifting weights beyond your ability, including weightlifting exercises
  • Berhati be careful when lifting heavy objects See a doctor if you have a cough that does not go away
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