
Get to know children's hernias; understand the types and symptoms

It turns out that hernias can also occur in infants and children. Nearly 90% of hernias occur in male babies, but it is still possible that they can also occur in female babies. Hernias in children and babies that occur are usually due to failure to close the process vaginalis while still in the womb. As a result, the organs in the abdominal cavity come out and protrude.

Hernias in babies and children must be treated immediately so as not to cause more serious complications. Parents must be aware of the symptoms of hernias so they can provide immediate treatment to babies and children. For this reason, it is very important for Hermina friends who have babies and children to understand the symptoms of hernias and their types so that hernias can be treated quickly and appropriately.

Common symptoms of a pediatric hernia

The appearance of hernias in babies and children is actually relatively easy to detect as long as Friends of Hermina know the symptoms that often appear in sufferers. The following are the characteristics of hernias in children and babies that you need to know:
1. Lumps appear
In an inguinal hernia, parents will usually immediately notice if they find a lump in the baby's groin, namely around the baby's testicles and folds. Lumps will be visible when the baby cries, coughs, or sneezes. However, when the baby is calm, this lump can disappear by itself.
2. Bloated and Tight Stomach
The stomachs of babies and children usually feel tight when touched; this is one of the symptoms that appears if a baby has a hernia. This happens because when the hernia cannot be pushed back into the stomach, the loop of the intestine will get stuck in the weak point of the stomach muscles. This is what causes the baby's stomach to become bloated and tight.
3. Vomiting
Apart from the points above, other digestive problems will also occur, such as vomiting. The baby's digestive condition will feel uncomfortable due to the loop of the intestine getting caught in the hole that causes the hernia. So nausea and vomiting cannot be avoided.
4. Stomach Pain
If the hernia is severe and the contents of the stomach cannot be returned, the baby will also experience stomach pain. If pain occurs, it means there is clamping of the organ in the contents of the hernia. Abdominal pain can also occur due to cessation of blood flow to the pinched tissue.
5. Fever
Fever is not a specific symptom of a hernia but is a sign of inflammation. If the baby has a fever and appears to have a lump and redness, this is a sign that the child's hernia is starting to become dangerous and must be treated immediately by a doctor.
6. Fussy baby
Babies will be fussy when they feel their body is not healthy. Moreover, if the hernia starts to cause pain, bloating and nausea, it will definitely make the baby feel uncomfortable and end up fussy. Parents must be patient and deal with the symptoms experienced by the baby so that they can be calmer.
7. Redness around the hernia
Redness or discoloration of a hernia can be caused by inflammation or blood flow stops around the pinched loop of the intestine. If you show symptoms like these, it is better to immediately consult a doctor to confirm the diagnosis.


Types of Hernias in Children
There are many types of hernias that may occur in children and babies. The specific symptoms that appear will depend on the type and location of the hernia. The following are the types of pediatric hernias and their symptoms:
1. Inguinal Hernia
This type of childhood hernia is the most common. This hernia occurs in the inguinal area, namely the area around the groin and zakat. The intestines or bladder will press downward into the area.
2. Umbilical Hernia
An umbilical hernia occurs when a child's small intestine is pushed out, just behind the navel. This condition is often called a hollow navel. Most children who experience this type of anemia will get better on their own. However, children need medical treatment if, by the age of 5 years, the hernia has not improved.
3. Epigastric Hernia
This hernia condition is triggered by fat being pushed out between the breastbone and navel so that it appears prominent in the epigastric area. If a small lump appears, pain will be felt. However, these symptoms can heal by themselves without surgery.
4. Hiatus Hernia
This hiatus hernia involves the stomach and intestines. Children who experience this type of hernia will have their diaphragm swell and enter the chest. The diaphragm itself is a muscle that separates the abdominal and chest organs. Symptoms of a hernia are usually just stomach aches.
5. Incisional Hernia
Incisional hernia Bulges occur due to surgical incisions that fail to heal. Incisional hernias often occur in children who are obese, have lung problems, or have postoperative infections. A bulge will appear when the child experiences contractions.
Children are not like adults, who are able to express complaints about their bodies. Therefore, parents must be careful and painstaking in paying attention to their little one's condition. If you find symptoms of a child's hernia, immediately consult a pediatric surgeon to get a definite diagnosis and the right treatment solution.
Hermina friends can consult with a pediatric surgeon specialist at Hermina Sukabumi Hospital.



Kids Health. Diakses pada 2021. Hernias. CHOC. Diakses pada 2021. Facts About Hernias in Kids: Symptoms and Treatments. Healthy Children. Diakses pada 2021. Inguinal Hernia in Infants
