"Recognizing Hypermetropia (Farsightedness)  be alert and recognize the symptoms"

"Recognizing Hypermetropia (Farsightedness) be alert and recognize the symptoms"

Hello friend Hermina, farsightedness or hypermetropia is a vision disorder where vision is blurry or unclear at close range. Farsighted sufferers generally have no problem seeing long distances. This disorder can be experienced by all ages, including children. Young people often do not realize that hypermetropia exists, this is because the natural lens in the eye is still flexible so it can easily adjust focus as needed.

What are the causes of nearsightedness?

Friends of Hermina Bitung, what can cause nearsightedness or hypermetropia? Nearsightedness or Hypermetropia is caused by the natural shape of the eyeball. Hypermetropia sufferers usually have a shorter eyeball length. Another cause could be the lower focusing power of the cornea and/or lens, resulting in improper focus on the retina. Focus will fall behind the retina, causing vision to become blurry.

What are the symptoms of nearsightedness?

Friends of Hermina, the following are the symptoms experienced by nearsighted sufferers:

• Blurred when looking up close but clearer when looking at distant objects.

• Eye fatigue

• Headache

• Eyes often water.

• Pain around the eyes.

• General discomfort in the eyes, may be accompanied by headache or dizziness.

• Uncomfortable doing activities that require focusing the eyes on nearby objects, such as reading, writing, working on a computer, or drawing.

Farsightedness cannot be prevented, but there are several things Hermina's friends can do to reduce or protect their eyes, such as:

• Consume foods with complete nutrition and sufficient vitamin A

• Use sufficient lighting when reading or doing activities at close range.

• Have your eyes checked regularly to determine eye health conditions

• Protect your eyes from exposure to sunlight by wearing anti-radiation glasses.

If there are signs of nearsightedness, immediately consult the Hermina Bitung Hospital with an eye specialist, Dr. Nisa El Zahra, SpM


Source : https://yankes.kemkes.go.id/view_artikel/1715/rabun-pada-mata-jenis-penyebab-dan-gejalanya





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