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Knowing Tooth Impaction and How to Prevent It

Have you ever experienced the growth of painful molars? It could be an impacted tooth. Let's get to know what an impacted tooth is.

Normally, adults have 32 teeth including 4 wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth or third molars usually erupt when a person is between the ages of 17 and early 20s. In many people, wisdom teeth cannot grow normally, either because they are trapped under the gums or only part of the tooth surface is able to penetrate the gums. This condition is called tooth impaction. Tooth impaction is quite common and is often painless. But many also feel pain if wisdom teeth grow sideways or do not emerge from the surface of the gums.

Causes of Impacted Tooth

Tooth impaction can occur for the following reasons:

  1. The jaw is too small so there is not enough room for the teeth to grow.
  2. Teeth become crooked or tilted when trying to grow.
  3. The teeth have grown in an irregular position, blocking the wisdom teeth.

What are the consequences of an impacted tooth?

Impacted teeth are a potential source of continuous complaints in patients, since the teeth begin to erupt. Complaints that are often felt are pain, unable to open the mouth and swelling that occurs around the gums (gingiva). Impacted teeth also affect aesthetics, mastication disorders, speech difficulties, interfere with daily activities and can also cause infection.

The frequency of occurrence of impacted teeth was highest in the mandibular third molars, maxillary third molars, maxillary canines, mandibular premolars, mandibular canines, maxillary premolars, and maxillary incisors.

Symptoms and How to Overcome Tooth Impaction

Buried or partially erupted teeth can cause food debris to get stuck. In addition, bacteria are also easier to enter, causing pain and swelling of the gums. The position of the hidden teeth at the back makes it difficult for a toothbrush to reach.

Food debris stuck in the area, if not cleaned, can trigger pericoronitis. Pericoronitis is an inflammation of the gum tissue around the teeth. Disturbances that can arise due to impacted teeth can cause symptoms in the form of swollen gums, and bad breath. Other symptoms of impacted teeth include:

  • Teeth only appear slightly on the surface of the gums.
  • Jaw pain.
  • Prolonged headache.
  • Swollen gums and redness around the buried teeth.
  • Difficulty opening mouth.
  • Neck glands swell.
  • Toothache when biting, especially in the area where the tooth is impacted.

Impacted teeth actually do not require special treatment if they do not cause complaints. If complaints arise, immediately consult a dentist. Because if left unchecked, infected teeth will cause complications, such as periodontitis, tooth or gum abscess, severe pain, malocclusion or irregular arrangement of teeth, formation of dental plaque, and nerve damage around the teeth. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to treat a tooth that is infected with bacteria.

Before any complaints or complications arise, it is recommended that you remove an impacted tooth before the age of 20. At this age, the roots of the teeth are not fully developed, so they are easier to remove. As we age, the roots of teeth and bones become stronger, so the process of removing teeth becomes more difficult, and the healing process will take longer.

The hidden teeth must be removed through wisdom tooth surgery. This action is done when the location of the tooth is in the gums. Consult a dentist regularly every 6 months at Hermina Pandanaran Hospital.
