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Getting to Know Insomnia and Hypersomnia

Have you ever had trouble sleeping or the opposite often slept? what exactly is a sleep disorder? why does this happen and how to fix it? Adequate sleep consists of 8 hours / day. Sleeping too long or too little can cause mental and physical disturbances.

The first sleep disorder is insomnia.

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that causes sufferers to have difficulty falling asleep and feel they are not getting enough sleep. insomnia consists of primary and secondary insomnia.

Primary insomnia is a sleep disorder that is not based on a medical disorder. while secondary insomnia is a sleep disorder that is based on medical disorders such as alcohol consumption, depression, and others.

Symptoms experienced include:

Difficulty sleeping or not sleeping well. Difficulty sleeping causes the patient to have difficulty concentrating, reduce memory, to physical and psychological disorders.
Causes of insomnia include experiencing stress, experiencing a traumatic event, changes in sleep habits such as sleeping in a new place, experiencing jet lag, taking certain drugs.
Risk factors for experiencing insomnia include mental problems such as anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, hormonal changes in menstruating women, long trips.

Prevention includes not sleeping too much during the day, reducing alcohol and caffeine, avoiding eating and drinking a lot before bed.


The second sleep disorder is hypersomnia

Hypersomnia is excessive sleepiness during the day even though you have slept well at night. Hypersomnia can interfere with daily activities such as driving. The causes are also divided into two types including primary and secondary, primary when there is no underlying medical disorder but rather due to genetic disorders that cause histamine production in the brain to decrease secondary when there are underlying medical disorders such as hyperthyroidism, psychological conditions, side effects of sedative drugs, and drinking. alcohol.

Symptoms of hypersomnia include:

Restless and offended
No appetite, headache, difficulty concentrating
Difficult to think and talk fast
Persistent extreme fatigue & drowsiness that does not subside during the day.
Prevention includes making a schedule for sleeping and waking up at the same time every day, not consuming caffeinated drinks and alcohol, not working and studying late at night, eating regular meals and getting enough rest.
