ayah dan ibu, kulit

Getting to Know Acne

Acne is caused by several factors that are interrelated. Genetic factors and hormones play an important role in the onset of acne. These two factors play a role in the process of acne, namely:

Thickening of the skin that can cause clogged pores and oil gland channels

Excessive oil gland production caused by hormonal fluctuations, which causes the oil glandular ducts and pores to become increasingly clogged

The number of bacteria in the clogged pores will increase in number, thus stimulating inflammation in the skin.

Does food have anything to do with acne?

Until now there has been no large-scale research that can prove that the consumption of certain foods can cause acne. However, there are several small-scale studies that have concluded that foods with a high glycemic index (such as bread, rice, flour) can cause an increase in the severity of acne. But this needs a further research, because actually the main factors causing acne are genetics, hormones, and other factors that are not related to food.

Can we use make-up when we have acne?

Using make-up when you have acne is not prohibited, but some sources say that make-up used on the skin can increase clogging of the pores, so that acne will increase. However, this can be avoided by diligently washing your face with a particular facial cleanser as recommended by your doctor, and preferably using non-comedogenic products. Therefore, you can still use make-up on acne-prone skin.

If our faces have acne, does that mean we don't clean our face with facial soap?

Many people believe that acne is caused by not cleaning the face so that the face becomes dirty, but if you clean your face too often, or more than three times a day with soap, it can cause irritation on the face, which will worsen the condition of the acne. However, actually cleaning the face functions to remove dead skin cells and excess oil, thereby reducing clogged pores, but the frequency of doing so should be adjusted according to the doctor's advice. On average, safe facial cleansing can be done 2-3 times a day using a special facial washing soap.

Why do acne often start to appear at puberty?

One of the main causes of acne is the hormone androgen. This hormone will increase its production at puberty. One of the effects of this hormone is to increase the production of oil glands, so this excess oil can exacerbate clogged pores. In addition, this hormone can increase the adhesion between skin cells, so that it can easily worsen clogged pores.

Can using over-the-counter acne medications cure acne?

OTC (Over the counter) acne medications generally have anti-acne properties that are good enough for acne treatment. But what needs to be paid attention is that the products to be used must already have a permit from the POM, so their safety can be guaranteed. In addition, if after using OTC products within 2 or 3 months there has been no improvement, you should immediately seek treatment from a dermatologist.

Can acne actually be cured?

Acne is very influenced by hormones and genetics, so to be able to completely heal from acne, this factor must be eliminated, but it is not possible. When the androgen hormone production has decreased, along with age and menopause, acne will heal on its own. Medications and treatments provided by doctors are to reduce the severity and appearance of acne, so generally acne medications are used for a very long time.

Is it true that if we treat acne to a dermatologist can cause dependence?

Acne treatment requires patience and each person will have a different response to treatment. On average, the results of treatment will be seen after at least two months of treatment, so generally doctors will always give the medication for a long time. In addition, one of the main factors for acne is hormones, so acne will continue to occur as long as the hormone factor is still there. This causes the importance of using acne medications regularly, as recommended by doctors, because they can reduce the severity of acne, control, and prevent acne. If the medication given are stopped by themselves, the acne will quickly return, because hormonal factors still play a role.

Can acne scars be removed?

Acne scars generally consist of several types, namely in the form of blackish patches, reddish spots, and also skin that looks more bent inward. Treating acne scars will be more difficult than treating acne. Acne scar treatment generally takes a long time and need persistence. The treatment given is generally in the form of face creams, and is combined with several measures such as microdermabrasion, laser, or chemical peels. However, this treatment will vary the results for each person and requires good adherence in the treatment process. It is also important to remember, treatment should first focus on the acne, and if the acne is controlled, then it can be focused on the acne scars that arise, so that treatment will be more optimal.

