Know Closer to Glaucoma : Causes , Symptoms , and Treatment

Know Closer to Glaucoma : Causes , Symptoms , and Treatment

Glaucoma is disease destructive eyes​ nerve optics , which is very important For good eyesight .​ Damage This often caused by abnormal pressure inside​​​ eye . Glaucoma is one of the reason main blindness in people over 60 years of age . Although more common in older people , glaucoma can occurs with age whatever . Know more near about glaucoma is very important For prevention and treatment early .

Reason Glaucoma

Pressure high eyes​ is factor risk main glaucoma . In the eye there is fluid called aqueous humor, which is normal flow go out from eye through tissue called the trabecular meshwork . During this process disturbed , fluid accumulate and cause enhancement pressure intraocular . Pressure This Then damage nerve optics , which can cause disappearance sight .

A number of factor Other risks include :

  • Age : More common in people over 60 years of age .
  • Family history : Glaucoma can inherited .
  • Condition medical others : Diabetes, pressure blood height , and disease heart .
  • Use drugs specific : Usage corticosteroids in period long .

Types of Glaucoma

  1. Glaucoma Open Angle : The most common type , occurs when drainage fluid eye become not enough efficient , causing pressure eye increase in a way gradually .
  2. Glaucoma Corner Closed : Happens when corner drainage between the iris and the cornea become too narrow in a way suddenly , cause enhancement pressure fast and very high eyes .
  3. Glaucoma Normal Pressure : Occurs when nerve optics damaged although pressure eye is at in normal range .
  4. Glaucoma Secondary : Caused by conditions other medical conditions such as diabetes or use drugs certain .
  5. Glaucoma Congenital : A rare type of glaucoma that occurs in babies and children Because abnormal development of the system drainage eye .

Symptom Glaucoma

Symptom glaucoma varies depending on the type and stage of disease . In glaucoma corner open , the symptoms often not​ appear until disease are at the stage carry on . A number of symptom general includes :

  • Lost vision peripheral or edge in a way gradually .
  • See circle light around​ light .
  • Redness eye .
  • Eye pain and soreness head .
  • Nausea and vomiting (in glaucoma corner closed I ).

Diagnosis and Treatment

  1. Routine Eye Examination : Diagnosis of glaucoma need inspection comprehensive eye .​ Ophthalmologists​ will inspect pressure eyes , check nerve optics , and do test visual field .
  2. Eye Drops : Treatment beginning often involves​ use eye drops​ For lower pressure eye .
  3. Drinking Medicine : If it's eye drops No Enough effective , doctor Possible prescribe drug drink For lower pressure eye .
  4. Laser Therapy : Laser procedures can increase drainage fluid eye or reduce production fluid eye .
  5. Microscopic Surgery : In some cases , operations required For create channel new for drainage fluid eye .


Glaucoma is disease eye serious that can be cause blindness If No treated . Recognize symptoms and factors the risks , as well do inspection eye routine, very important For prevent damage permanent on sight . Appropriate treatment​ can control pressure eyes and protect nerve optics , so guard your vision remains Good throughout life .


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