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Get to Know More Closely the Sarcoma Cancer that Alice Norin is Suffering, Check out the Causes!

Sarcoma is a rare type of cancer that can occur in various age groups, including adults, children and adolescents. This article will provide a comprehensive understanding of sarcoma, including the main types, symptoms and treatments required.

1. Types of Sarcoma:

A. Soft Tissue Sarcoma

- Grows in fat, muscle, nerves, blood vessels and the inner skin.

- It is the most common type, accounting for about 80% of all sarcoma cases.

B. Bone Sarcoma

- Grows in bone and cartilage.

- Symptoms include consistent pain, fractures and lumps near the bone.

C. Benign Sarcoma

- Grow in connective tissues, often in the arms, legs, joints, or abdomen.

- Although not technically cancer, it is often treated by cancer doctors.

2. Symptoms of Sarcoma:

A. General Symptoms

- Pain, swelling, and tenderness.

- Difficulty moving normally, fatigue, fever, weight loss, and anemia.

B. Symptoms of Bone Sarcoma

- Consistent pain that gets worse over time - in the spine, the pain may come from the tumor pressing on the nerves and can be felt in the arms and legs

- Bone fractures

- An enlarged lump near the bone

C. Symptoms of Arm and Leg Soft Tissue Sarcoma

- Lumps that are generally painless - soft tissue sarcomas rarely cause pain

- Lumps that don't go away or get bigger over time

- A lump that feels hard and cannot be moved easily by pressing on it

- A lump that has reached the size of a golf ball (although sarcomas can also be the size of a pea)

- A lump that is deeper in the tissue, rather than near the skin

D. Symptoms of Retroperitoneal Sarcoma

- Abdominal or back pain that does not go away

- Bloated or enlarged abdomen

- Blood in the stool

- Feeling full faster when eating

- Loss of appetite

- Unusual bladder or bowel function that does not go away

- Unwanted weight loss

3. Consultation and Handling:

A. Consultation with an Obstetrician and Gynecologist Consultant Oncologist.

- It is important to get an accurate diagnosis.

B. Diagnosis and Treatment

- Further investigations such as biopsy may be required.

- Appropriate treatment will be determined based on the type of sarcoma and severity.

C. Long-term Treatment

- Radiation therapy, chemotherapy or surgery may be required.

- Management of symptoms and regular monitoring to prevent recurrence.

Sarcoma is a complex type of cancer and can present in many forms. Knowing the important symptoms and consulting a specialist are key steps in sarcoma management. With a better understanding, it is hoped that this article can provide useful guidance to individuals who may be facing this health challenge.
