onkologi, kanker, kanker payudara, mengenal onkologi

Getting Closer to "Oncology" in Everyday Life

Oncology when viewed in terms of words, oncology is a field of science that studies neoplasms. Neoplasms are abnormal new tissue growths, these tissue growths are not necessarily malignant and not necessarily benign. What will be studied is a new growing tissue and is part of oncology. So, in the common people known as tumors.

Some of these tumors are benign and some are malignant. In the field of specific oncology, we talk about tumors that are difficult and solid, which means they can be seen. There are new tissue growths that can be seen and touched, both benign and malignant, and some are not palpable, for example, tumors or malignancies in the blood. So surgical oncology is palpable tumors that are malignant and benign.
A palpable tumor can be touched using physical touch or medical devices such as ultrasound. The most common and frequently found solid tumors are tumors in the breast, tumors in the thyroid gland or what is known as a goiter. Then, the most dominating among the public are tumors in the breast, both benign and malignant.

Things that can cause tumors in humans come from multifactors, there are no main factors that trigger it, but only come from risk factors. If you look at the statistical results of these risk factors, there are many opportunities for recovery, both from inside and outside the body itself.
Talking about breast cancer that comes from multifactors without us knowing the main cause because usually there are factors that cause breast cancer such as hormonal influences, consumption of high cholesterol foods, and human activity itself, due to excessive consumption of cholesterol which will turn into cancer. hormones, so in principle there is no main factor that causes breast cancer, because it occurs through multifactors.

The symptoms when a patient has a tumor or breast cancer are a lump in the breast, therefore patients are advised to have their breasts checked at least once a month within 7 to 10 days during menstruation, because at that time the breasts are not tense or pulled. It is recommended for patients who are noticing a lump in the breast for the first time, they are advised to "PANIC EARLY" to immediately go to the health center or hospital or to an oncology specialist. Another symptom is the presence of blisters on the nipples.
