Get to Know More About Styes

Get to Know More About Styes

Get to Know More About Styes

Styes are a common eye disorder. However, not many people know the exact cause of styes. Generally, people associate styes with myths. In fact, the causes of this condition can be explained scientifically.

A stye or hordeolum is a pimple-like nodule or boil that grows on the edge of the eyelid. The cause of styes is generally a bacterial infection and usually only appears on one eyelid. Although styes often appear on the outer eyelid, sometimes they can also appear on the inner eyelid.

Styes that grow on the inside can be more painful, than those that grow on the outside. However, this does not cause visual disturbances. In most cases, it can start to go away on its own within a few days.

Even though they are not dangerous, styes can interfere with daily activities because they cause pain and make your appearance slightly disturbed. To reduce pain, you can compress the eyelids using a cloth dipped in warm water. Hordeolum or stye is a disease that can attack anyone at any age, both adults and children.

Types of styes

1. External stye

External hordeolum is the most common type and occurs outside the eyelid. This type of stye is caused by an infection in the Zeis or Moll glands in the eye. The Zeis glands and Moll glands are located at the base of the eyelashes, both upper and lower. That is why, external hordeolum can occur on the upper or lower eyelid. The lump will appear to be pointing towards the outside.

2. Internal stye

An internal stye is a small lump that occurs inside the eyelid. Most internal hordeolumes appear in the oil glands in your eyelid tissue (meibomian glands). This type of hordeolum will usually appear on the upper eyelid. The lump is towards the inside so the eyelids need to be opened to be able to see the lump more clearly.

There are several factors that can increase the risk of developing this infection, namely:

• Frequently touch your eyes with unwashed hands.

• Inserting contact lenses without thoroughly disinfecting or washing hands first.

• Leave eye makeup on overnight.

• Using old or expired cosmetics.

• Have blepharitis, which is chronic inflammation along the edge of the eyelid.

• Suffering from rosacea, which is a skin condition characterized by redness on the face.

• Have certain skin conditions, such as acne rosacea or dandruff (seborrheic dermatitis).

• Suffering from diabetes.

• Have dry skin.

• Are experiencing hormonal changes.

• Have high levels of lipids (bad cholesterol).

Stye Treatment

You can try the following simple steps to reduce the symptoms and discomfort caused by a stye:

• Maintain eye hygiene, by washing the eyelids in the affected area with mild soap.

• Avoid using eye cosmetics until they are completely healed.

• Compress the eyelids with warm water. Do it 2-4 times a day with a towel that you have soaked in warm water with a duration 5 – 10 minutes.

• Avoid using contact lenses until completely healed.

• Taking non-prescription pain relievers, such as paracetamol, to relieve eye pain.

Kondisi yang mulai mengganggu Anda dan disertai gejala lain yang menyertainya tidak boleh diabaikan sama sekali. Segera hubungi dokter jika:

• Kondisi tidak membaik setelah 48 jam

• Kemerahan dan pembengkakan melibatkan seluruh kelopak mata atau meluas ke pipi atau bagian wajah lainnya.

Segera pergi ke rumah sakit terdekat untuk melakukan pemeriksaan dan menentukan penanganan yang tepat .


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