Getting to know Burns can happen to anyone, anywhere

Getting to know Burns can happen to anyone, anywhere

In our daily lives and activities, there are many objects and materials that we usually use but can cause burns if we are not careful in using them. Injuries caused by burns due to daily activities can cause minor injuries to fatal injuries. Burns are injuries that can affect the skin and underlying tissue. Although burns can be caused by a variety of factors, including heat, electricity, chemicals, hot liquids, or inhalation trauma such as smoke or hot steam. Prompt and appropriate treatment is essential in  reducing the risk of complications and promoting optimal recovery.

Burns are defined as injuries to the body caused by heat, electricity, chemicals, radiation or gas where the severity of the injury is determined by the amount, duration of cellular exposure and the nature of the cause.

The following  are several types of  degrees of severity of burns:

•    Epidermal burns
is the lightest burn and only affects the epidermis layer of the skin. The most common example is burns caused by exposure to the sun. In this condition we will feel pain but will not experience significant skin damage.
•    Superficial dermal burns
is a burn that has affected the upper layer of the dermis. Because the dermis skin cells disintegrate but the epithelial structure is still intact, fluid seeps into the damaged area, forming fluid bubbles. The skin underneath is pink. This condition will cause pain but the area will heal  within 1-2 weeks
•    Mid-dermal burns
is the burn layer  that is between superficial and deep dermal burns. The skin condition is similar to a superficial burn of the  dermis. The skin feels painful but the reddish  colour is darker compared to superficial burns. The skin can still heal on its own, but it takes longer than superficial dermis burns, around 2-3 weeks
•    Deep-dermal burns
is a layer of burns that affects the reticulum layer of the dermis. This condition causes blood vessels and skin nerves to be injured so that the appearance of the wound is not too painful but the skin damage is severe. The skin color is dark red with spots. Skin conditions cannot heal on their own and must be surgically removed to remove dead skin.
•    Full-thickness burns
is a burn that affects all layers of the skin to the layers outside the skin (fatty tissue, muscle and bone). The appearance of the skin appears pale white  (due to damage to the proteins of all layers of the skin) or black (due to the death of the skin layers). In this skin condition, the patient does not experience pain and spontaneous healing of the skin is impossible
Things that often cause burns in everyday life

1.Thermal burns
Most often the cause is an explosion of an LPG gas cylinder and  a fire due to LPG gas leaking in the stove.
Mattresses, curtains and other flammable  materials. Usually the cause of burning is a trigger such as a spark from a cigarette or mosquito repellent

2.Electric burns
The causes of electrical burns in everyday life are divided into 2 causes, namely low voltage or high voltage.
Low voltage can occur in the electricity in the house due to damaged cables or damaged electrical equipment so that the electricity flows freely to the body. Usually if there is an injury to the skin in the form of a burn that is not extensive, the body organ affected, such as the heart, becomes a fatal target, causing the heart to stop suddenly.
High voltage can occur in electricity outside the home such as high voltage power cables. Most often occurs in people who work at building heights where electric pole cables pass.
The result can be greater damage compared to other burns. Tissue damage can result in amputations and even death because slightly different from other burns, electrical burns result in burn damage starting from the bone to the outermost layer, not from the outer layer of skin to the inside.

3.    Scald Burns
These are burns caused by hot liquids. The most common thing that happens is that children are exposed to hot water or oil, either accidentally or on purpose (Child Abuse).
Burns that affect children due to hot liquids can be severe and life-threatening because children's physiological conditions are not as stable as adults and children's skin is thinner than adults.
So maybe the hot water that hits us only causes superficial dermal degrees, but in children it can reach deep dermal degrees up to full thickness degrees.

4.    Inhalation Trauma
Usually occurs due to fire conditions, an explosion  that burns objects in the room so that people are trapped inside and breathe air from the burning substance. This can be exacerbated if room ventilation is minimal or even non-existent.

That is an explanation of burns. The degree of burns is important to know. If you or a relative experiences burns, you should immediately consult a Digestive Surgery Specialist at Hermina Serpong Hospital  so you can get the right treatment
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