Getting to Know Blood Cholesterol Checks and Preparations

Getting to Know Blood Cholesterol Checks and Preparations

What is Cholesterol?
Blood cholesterol is one of the most important elements in the body and one of a number of fats carried in the bloodstream. Cholesterol is very important for the body, but if the cholesterol level in the blood is excessive, it can be dangerous for health. This is what many people understand, where cholesterol is often considered a source of degenerative health problems today. But that does not mean that cholesterol does not have a function for the human body, in fact it is very helpful in the metabolic process.
Cholesterol is a complex fat compound that is produced in the liver about 1g/day and also in the small intestine and then circulates in the blood. Cholesterol has the function of forming and maintaining the function of body organs, provides an essential component of membranes in every cell of the body, is used to make green bile fluid stored in the gallbladder and plays an important role in the digestive process of food, helps coat nerves in providing a water-repellent substance on the surface of arteries. , makes sex hormones for the development and function of sexual organs, makes adrenaline hormones for metabolism and salt balance in the body, and is one of the ingredients needed by the body to make (synthesis) vitamin D.


What is bad cholesterol and good cholesterol?
Fat profile examination consists of examination of total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol (Low Density Lipoprotein) and HDL cholesterol (High Density Lipoprotein). Often we hear the terms bad cholesterol and good cholesterol. Part of the fat profile that is considered bad cholesterol is LDL cholesterol (contains protein and fat) where if the levels are elevated, this cholesterol can lead to the formation of plaques that can clog the walls of blood vessels (called atherosclerosis). When this happens, you will be at risk of heart disease and stroke. Good cholesterol or HDL cholesterol has an important role in the body. HDL cholesterol has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects that are beneficial for reducing bad cholesterol in the bloodstream. Thanks to these benefits, high levels of good cholesterol can prevent the risk of diseases caused by bad cholesterol. The most important way to lower cholesterol is to return to a healthy lifestyle, especially in diet.

Why do we have to do cholesterol checks?
Cholesterol is an important type of check because high cholesterol levels are often the cause of coronary artery disease. High cholesterol usually causes no signs or symptoms. Therefore, it is recommended to do cholesterol tests regularly to monitor cholesterol levels and find out if there is a risk of having a heart attack or blood vessel disease.

What is the importance of checking cholesterol regularly?
In general, laboratory examinations for cholesterol or fat profiles consist of 2 (two), namely, screening examinations or screening examinations carried out without any reason for the examination. Usually these checks are carried out by the company as a condition of the health eligibility of employees. On screening examinations, usually many patients are found with a state of hypercholesterolemia or an increase in total cholesterol levels in the blood. Dyslipidemia is often found, which is a fat metabolism disorder characterized by an increase or decrease in the level of the lipid profile in the blood. Then the second examination is called a diagnostic examination, which is carried out to establish a diagnosis of a particular disease. This examination is highly recommended for people who have risk factors, have a family history of high cholesterol or have had a heart attack, are overweight, rarely exercise or are not active, have diabetes mellitus, frequently eat unhealthy foods, smoker and men who over 45 years old or women over 55 years old.


What preparations should be made before checking cholesterol?
1. Examination should be done in the morning because based on the theory of diurnal variation, cholesterol levels are at their lowest in the morning.
2. Fasting approximately 9-12 hours before blood sampling, only mineral water may be consumed during the fasting period.
3. Do not eat high-fat foods the night before the examination
4. Do not consume alcoholic beverages or excessive exercise before the examination
5. Tell if there is any use of drugs to the examining laboratory
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