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Getting to Know Brain Bleeding: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention

Some time ago, there was news of a national celebrity experiencing a brain hemorrhage. As the name suggests, this brain hemorrhage occurs in the brain tissue. This is usually caused by the rupture of blood vessels, resulting in cell death.
A brain hemorrhage is a type of stroke known as a brain hemorrhage. This condition occurs when the arteries in the brain burst.
Brain bleeding causes irritation of the brain tissue and causes swelling, also known as cerebral edema. Blood will clot and stagnate; these blood clots can suppress brain tissue so that it eventually affects blood flow around the brain. Blood flow that is not smooth makes brain cells not get oxygen, so that brain cells are damaged and die.
This condition is an emergency that requires treatment as soon as possible. In some cases, patients who experience brain hemorrhage end up with permanent paralysis; however, not a few manage to recover without paralysis.


Causes of Brain Hemorrhage

Hypertension is the main cause of brain hemorrhage, which is also known as high blood pressure. The heart pumps blood through various blood vessels to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the body's tissues and cells. However, blood pressure can become so high that it will cause blood vessels to become stretched and burst, causing blood to flow out.
Another cause of brain bleeding is a head injury. The skull is a hard part of the head, but the skull does not have the ability to withstand a hard impact, so the skull can crack and injuries can affect the brain. The brain can also experience a subdural hematoma, or bruising and bleeding in several blood vessels that are located in the lining of the brain. Minor injuries from hitting or falling can already cause brain bleeding.
Here are some other causes of brain Hemorrhage:
  • Aneurysm.
  • Location of Blood Vessels.
  • Amyloid angiopathy.
  • Location On Blood.
  • Liver problems.


Symptoms of Complications Caused by Brain Hemorrhage

Some complications arise due to bleeding that occurs in the brain. Bleeding can cause cells in the brain to fail to coordinate with other organs in the body. Of course, this can lead to disturbances in the function of the body's organs.
Problems that arise due to brain bleeding include impaired body movement, speech, and memory abilities. Depending on the location of the bleeding and its severity, some complications may be permanent. Some of them are:
Some parts of the body feel numb or weak.
  • Difficulty in speaking
  • difficultly understanding words and information.
  • Changes in character and emotional problems
  • Difficulty swallowing, or dysphagia
  • Loss of fine motor skills (hand tremor)
  • disturbed vision, and confusion.
  • as well as fever, seizures, and swelling of the brain.


Prevention and Treatment of Brain Hemorrhage

A doctor will diagnose the person to ensure the appearance of the cause of brain bleeding in that person in order to determine the cause for certain.The next step will be several tests, such as an MRI and a CT scan. Other tests, such as nerve and eye examinations, are also available.
Routine blood pressure checks, a healthy lifestyle, not smoking or using illegal drugs, and investigating corrective surgery can all help prevent brain hemorrhage.If a person has a disorder, such as an aneurysm, surgery can help prevent future brain bleeding.
Therefore, Friends of Hermina, do not underestimate high blood pressure because it can cause brain bleeding. For prevention, especially for those at risk of developing hypertension and aneurysms, preventive steps include not smoking, eating healthy foods low in cholesterol and fat, exercising, and maintaining blood pressure. blood pressure should not be too high. If Hermina's friend experiences some symptoms, immediately consult a doctor about a health problem to get the right treatment.
