penyakitdalamsolo, spesialispenyakitdalam, malaria

Getting to Know the Infectious Disease Malaria

Malaria is a disease that is familiar to everyone because this disease has existed since ancient times and is one of the highest causes of death in the world. Malaria is an infectious disease transmitted through the bite of female Anopheles mosquitoes. Malaria is generally characterized by symptoms of high fever, headache followed by chills and a decrease in body temperature which recurs every few days.

  Friends of Hermina, in Indonesia malaria is classified as endemic because there are several areas that still suffer from malaria, especially in Maluku, East Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi Papua, West Papua, as well as in parts of Kalimantan and Sumatra. Malaria is still a threat in a number of areas in Indonesia. According to data from the Ministry of Health, in 2021 there will be more than 90 thousand cases of malaria. This figure has decreased significantly from 2020 which reached more than 200 thousand cases. Apart from mosquito bites, malaria can infect humans through organ donations from people who are sick with malaria, blood transfusions, sharing needles for drugs and fetuses infected by their mothers during pregnancy.

Symptoms of malaria will appear within 8 to 22 days after being bitten by an Anopheles mosquito or exposed to it. In the case of tertian malaria infection, symptoms can appear within 1 year after infection. The following are some of the symptoms of malaria, including:
1. Fever
2. Shivering
4. Sweating a lot
5. Body weakness
6. Muscle pain
7. Symptoms of anemia or lack of blood
8. Nausea and vomiting
9. Loss of appetite
10.Heart rate increases

Efforts that can be taken to prevent the spread of malaria include:
- Use anti-mosquito lotion
- Using mosquito nets containing permethrin when sleeping
- Wear long clothes such as trousers and long-sleeved tops during activities
- Avoid activities near water such as rivers, lakes, swamps in the afternoon and evening when malaria mosquitoes are active looking for food
- Take malaria prophylaxis medication before traveling to malaria endemic areas (by consulting a doctor beforehand)

This is an explanation of malaria, where this condition requires proper treatment so as not to cause serious complications. If you experience symptoms as described, Hermina Friends can immediately carry out an examination and if you want to consult directly with an Internal Medicine Specialist at RSU Hermina Solo.
