
Get to know about thalassemia and how to prevent it

Thalassemia is a genetic blood disorder that affects the production of hemoglobin in the body. Hemoglobin is a protein that carries oxygen throughout the body through the blood. Thalassemia sufferers usually experience anemia, which is a condition where the body lacks healthy red blood cells.
Symptoms of thalassemia vary depending on the severity of the disease. Common symptoms are fatigue, dizziness, pale skin, and fast heart rate. Thalassemia sufferers can also experience stunted growth, bone disorders, and damage to organs such as the liver and heart if not treated properly.

The cause of thalassemia is a genetic mutation that is passed from parent to child. If both parents are carriers of the thalassemia gene, it is likely that their child will inherit this disease. Therefore, genetic tests can be carried out to detect the presence of the thalassemia gene in a person's body.

Types of thalassemia are divided into two, namely alpha and beta thalassemia. Alpha thalassemia is caused by gene mutations in the hemoglobin alpha chain, while beta thalassemia is caused by gene mutations in the hemoglobin beta chain. Both types of thalassemia can be inherited from parents who carry the gene.

To treat thalassemia, there are several methods that can be used depending on the severity of the disease. Blood transfusion is one way to increase hemoglobin levels in the body of thalassemia sufferers. However, blood transfusions must be done regularly because the effect is temporary.

In addition, drug group therapy can also be used to reduce the symptoms of thalassemia. Medications such as deferasirox can help reduce excess iron levels in the body caused by repeated blood transfusions. Apart from that, gene therapy is also an innovative treatment option for treating thalassemia.

Prevention of thalassemia can be done by carrying out a genetic test before marriage to find out whether both partners are carriers of the thalassemia gene. If both partners are carriers of the thalassemia gene, genetic counselling may be considered before deciding to have children.

With a better understanding of thalassemia, it is hoped that the public will be more aware of this disease and take appropriate preventive steps. Knowledge about the symptoms, causes, and treatment of thalassemia is very important to reduce the negative impacts caused by this disease.

So, let's raise awareness about thalassemia and play an active role in preventing and treating it. Hermina friends can consult about thalassemia with specialist doctors at Hermina Sukabumi Hospital.



Referensi :

National Institute of Health (2020). Medline Plus. Thalassemia.
