Know the Three Types of Blood Cancer

Know the Three Types of Blood Cancer

Leukemia is a health condition when the body produces too many white blood cells or also called abnormal leukocytes. Leukemia can be experienced by children and adults. Blood cancer, also known as hematologic cancer, is a disease that affects the production and function of cells in the blood. Generally, blood cancer starts in the spinal cord. Cancer cells that appear in the body can interfere with the work function of red cells. Common blood cancer attacks someone who has entered old age and has a family history of similar conditions. There are several types of blood cancer that are quite common, including:


Not only in people who have entered old age, leukemia can be experienced by children under 15 years of age. This type of blood cancer is quite common and is most commonly experienced by people with blood cancer. Leukemia type blood cancer can also cause symptoms in sufferers such as anemia, blood that is difficult to clot, frequent nosebleeds and headaches that come constantly.


Lymphoma cancer is a type of blood cancer that occurs in lymphocyte cells in the lymphatic system. Lymphoma cancer occurs when abnormal white blood cells multiply and develop in lymphocytes so that they can cause enlargement of the lymph nodes. When lymphocytes are impaired, it can affect the immune system. Some of the symptoms experienced by people with lymphoma cancer include the appearance of lumps in several parts of the body such as the neck, groin or groin.


Multiple myeloma cancer is a type of blood cancer that occurs in plasma cells. Plasma cells are cells that produce antibodies that are very important for the body. Antibodies play a role for the body to fight germs that enter the body. The symptoms experienced by people with myeloma cancer include anemia, susceptibility to infection and bone disorders.

If you have symptoms like the above, immediately consult a specialist in internal medicine, a hematology oncology consultant at Hermina Makassar Hospital. In order to avoid dangerous diseases, let's adopt a healthy lifestyle, fulfill the nutritional adequacy rate and get enough rest. Greetings healthy

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