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Improve dental health from an early age

The mouth plays an important role in the body because it is from the mouth that the food and drinks consumed enter and circulate to all parts of the body. What happens if there is a problem with the mouth or teeth? This will of course have an impact on other organs. The role of teeth and mouth is so important for our body. Minister of Health Regulation Number 3 of 2023 states that people who are Health Insurance (JKN) participants can access free dental and oral health services at community service centers.
The results of Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) in 2018 showed that 57.6% of the Indonesian population experienced dental and oral problems and only around 10.2% had received medical services. The prevalence of cavities in early childhood is very high (93%) and only 7% of children are free from cavities. Therefore, it is very necessary to start taking measures to prevent cavities from an early age.

–    Enamel : the outer layer of the tooth. It is the hardest tissue in our entire body and protects our teeth during chewing.
–    The yellow layer of dentin that surrounds the pulp.
–    Pulp: the deepest part of the tooth contains the nerves and blood vessels

Most parents still underestimate oral health and assume that children with problematic primary teeth (milk teeth) do not need treatment because they will soon be replaced by permanent teeth (adult teeth). However, dental and oral problems in children can affect the child's growth and development


The main problem with oral teeth

1. Cavities / Porous Teeth / Caries: a disease characterized by the presence of holes in the teeth
2. Gingivitis / bleeding gums

Prevents cavities and gum inflammation
Remove plaque by brushing your teeth properly and regularly. It is necessary to get children into the habit of brushing their teeth regularly at least twice every day, especially before going to bed so that their dental health is maintained properly.
Tips for choosing and using a toothbrush and toothpaste

a. Make sure the toothpaste contains fluoride to strengthen teeth
b. Choose a toothbrush with soft bristles, a flat surface, and a small brush head
c. Each  family  member  must  have  1  toothbrush  and  should  not  borrow  each  other  because  it  can  transmit  diseases.  If the bristles of your toothbrush are damaged, immediately replace it with a new one.
The correct way to brush your teeth

- Prepare a paste ± the size of a peanut
- Gargle before brushing your teeth
- Brush the entire surface of the teeth with back and forth, short-short or circular movements for ± 2 minutes (at least 8 movements for each of the 3 tooth surfaces)
- For the inner surface of the front jaw/lower teeth. Tilt the toothbrush, then clean.
- Rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth just once so that the remaining fluoride is still on your teeth.
- Clean the toothbrush with water and store it upright with the brush head up
2. Avoid consuming foods and drinks with a high concentration of sugar (candy, dodol, chocolate, fizzy drinks, ice cream) and get used to consuming foods that contain a neutral pH (cheese, nuts, fruit and vegetables). Apart from that, consuming lots of water is also an action that affects the quality of saliva to help self-cleanse the oral cavity.

Parents are also required to take their children to the dentist regularly at least once every 6 months. This routine is necessary so that parents receive education about preventive measures for children's teeth, curative measures or treatment of teeth that have cavities and children can adapt to the dentist's office as early as possible so that in the future they will not feel afraid of going to the dentist.

source :

1. Indonesian Ministry of HealthLittle Doctor Training Guidelines 
2. Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia 2011
3. drg. Aprillia Rio Fathia . MM
