Maintain Dental Health During Ramadan

Maintain Dental Health During Ramadan

The month of Ramadan is month holy for Muslims where fasting held from dawn until sun sunset . During month This is change pattern drastic eating and drinking can impact on health teeth and mouth . However , with a number of attention extras and habits maintenance good teeth , health your teeth can still awake . Following is some important tips For guard health tooth during Ramadhan month :

1. Regularly brush your teeth after Sahur & Before Sleep

After sahur and before sleep , hurry up brushing your teeth . This helps remove remainder food and drink that stick to teeth and prevent formation plaque and damage tooth .

2. Avoid Excessive Sweet Foods and Drinks

During month of Ramadan, tendencies For consume excessive sweet foods and drinks increase . Avoid sweet foods and drinks such as drink fizzy drinks , candy and cakes are available cause damage teeth and formation caries .

3. Reduce Consumption Sour Foods and Drinks

Food and Drink sour like orange , lemon, or drink carbonated can dissolve tooth enamel layer and improves risk happen erosion tooth . Limit consumption food and Drink sour during Ramadhan month .

4. Expand Drink Water

Make sure For drink lots of water during the month of Ramadan, especially moment sahur and breaking the fast fast . Water help clean mouth from remainder food and drink , as well help guard sufficient saliva production For protect tooth .

5. Use Mouthwash Without Alcohol

If you use drug gargle , take your pick product without alcohol . Mouthwash without alcohol can help reduce risk mouth dry and helpful guard balance bacteria in mouth .

6. Regularly check your dental health

Although Busy with fasting , don't do it forget it the importance of regular checks health tooth . Make sure For schedule promise with doctor tooth For Regular inspections and maintenance are required .

7. Reduce Consumption Product Tobacco

Avoid use product tobacco like cigarettes and shisha during Ramadhan month . Product tobacco can cause various problem health mouth , incl disease gums and cancer mouth .

With guard habit maintenance good gear and following the tips above , you can guard health your teeth and mouth during Ramadhan month . Don't forget it importance health tooth as part from effort guard health in a way whole during month holy This . Happy fasting and keep it up guard health optimal gear !

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