Maintain Bone Health for Carry on Age : Important Steps For Strong Bones

Maintain Bone Health for Carry on Age : Important Steps For Strong Bones

Bone health is aspect important from well-being overall , esp for carry on age . As it increases age , density bone tend decrease , increase risk of osteoporosis and fractures bone . Therefore​ that , take care health bone become priority main . Following is a number of step important For guard health bone for carry on age :


1. Consume Proper Nutrition​

Calcium : Calcium is the main mineral that forms bone . Carry on age need about 1,200 mg of calcium per day , which can obtained from low- fat dairy products , vegetables greens , and supplements calcium If required .


Vitamin D: Vitamin D helps absorption calcium in body . Ray sun , food such as fatty fish , eggs , and vitamin D supplements are good source .​ Carry on age need around 800-1,000 IU of vitamin D per day .


Protein: Protein supports health bone with help repair and build network bone . Consumption meat without fat, fish, nuts , and dairy products help fulfil protein needs .


2. Activity Physique

Weight Training: Weight training like lift burden or use tool help burden can increase density bone .


Resistance Training : Activity like walking , running , or climb can help guard health bone with give required pressure​ For stimulate formation bone new .


Balance and Flexibility Exercises; such as Yoga and Pilates can improve balance and flexibility, reducing the risk of falls and fractures.


3. Avoid Bad habits

Smoking : Smoking can reduce density bones and improve risk of osteoporosis. Stop habit smoking is highly recommended .


Alcohol : Consumption excessive alcohol​ can bother absorption calcium and reduce density bone . Limit consumption alcohol For guard health bone .


4. Regular Health Checks

Bone Density Test (DXA): Examination density bone can do it regularly help detect osteoporosis since early and possible proper handling .​


Consultation with a Doctor: Discuss health bone with doctors , especially If There is history osteoporosis family or broken bone . Doctors can recommend supplement or drug For help guard density bone .


5. Supplements and Medication

If intake calcium and vitamin D from food No enough , doctor Possible recommend supplements . Drugs​ like Bisphosphonates can also be used prescribed For slow down erosion bones and improve density bone .



Guard health bone for carry on age need approach holistic involving​ proper nutrition , activity​ physical , avoidance habit bad , check routine health , and use supplement or drug If required . With steps here , continue age can enjoy more bones​ stronger and more life​ active as well as Healthy

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