Maintaining Healthy Eyesight in Old Age "Tips for Preventing and Overcoming Presbyopia"

Maintaining Healthy Eyesight in Old Age "Tips for Preventing and Overcoming Presbyopia"

Presbyopia, also known as farsightedness, is a common condition experienced by many people as they age. This occurs because the lens of the eye loses its elasticity, which results in difficulty seeing objects that are close to the eye. While presbyopia cannot be completely avoided, there are steps you can take to maintain healthy vision as you age and reduce the effects of presbyopia. Here are some tips that can help Friends of Hermina prevent and overcome presbyopia.


Eye Examination Routine

It is important to maintain healthy vision by regularly having your eyes checked by an ophthalmologist. Ophthalmologists can detect vision problems such as presbyopia early and provide appropriate advice to treat the condition. Regular eye checks are also helpful in detecting other eye problems that may appear with age.


Wear the Right Glasses or Contact lenses

If you have been diagnosed with presbyopia, your ophthalmologist may recommend special reading glasses or contact lenses designed to address this problem. It is important to wear the right glasses or contact lenses and follow the care instructions given by the eye doctor. Improper use of glasses or contact lenses can cause discomfort and worsen vision conditions.


Adequate Information

Ensuring good lighting in work areas and around the home can help reduce eye fatigue caused by presbyopia. Use a fairly bright lamp and avoid. Lighting the room with light that is too bright or too dim.


Keep the Right distance

When using a computer screen or reading a book, it is important to maintain the proper distance between the eyes and the object being viewed. A good distance is about 30 to 40 centimetres. This helps reduce the strain on the eyes and makes it easier to see objects clearly.


Enough rest

Providing the eyes with adequate rest is also very important for maintaining healthy vision. When the eyes are constantly focused on a near object, such as when reading or using a gadget, the eye muscles can get tired. Be sure to take regular breaks by shifting your focus to a more distant object or doing eye relaxation exercises.

Consumption of Healthy Food

Good nutrition can contribute to optimal eye health. Eating foods rich in vitamins A, C, E, and iron can help maintain healthy eyesight. Foods like carrots, broccoli, spinach, oranges, and fatty fish like salmon are examples of foods that are good for the eyes.


Avoid Smoking Habits and Exposure to Passive cigarettes

Smoking and second-hand smoke exposure have been linked to various health problems, including eye problems. Chemical substances contained in cigarette smoke can damage the eyes and increase the risk of developing eye diseases such as cataracts. So, it is important to avoid smoking and stay away from smoking environments.


Eye Sports

Eye exercises can help maintain the strength and flexibility of the eye muscles. Simple movements such as blinking rapidly, moving your eyes from side to side, or alternately looking at near and far objects can help strengthen your eye muscles.


By following the tips above, Friends of Hermina can maintain healthy eyesight while ageing and reduce the effects of presbyopia. However, it is also important to remember that presbyopia is a normal part of the ageing process and cannot be completely avoided. If Friends of Hermina have concerns about the eyesight of Friends of Hermina or experience disturbing symptoms, immediately consult an eye doctor trusted by Hermina Friends for further evaluation.

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