
Menopause at a Young Age, Is It Possible?

Hermina's friends are certainly familiar with the word menopause, which often occurs in older women, but is it true that menopause only occurs in older women? And what can happen when women experience menopause? Menopause at a Young Age: Is It Possible?


Menopause is a condition that occurs in menstruating women where the menstrual cycle stops completely. This happens naturally and will definitely happen to all women. Menopause usually occurs at the age of 45. Women are said to be in menopause if they do not menstruate for 12 consecutive months; this marks the end of the reproductive period.


Women who are about to enter menopause will experience several signs, such as irregular menstruation. In this situation, many women experience menstruation that is not in accordance with their habits, where there will be more or less menstrual blood and uncontrolled emotional or physical changes.


Menopause Symptoms

There are several symptoms that are signs that a woman is experiencing menopause, including:

1. Changes in the menstrual cycle occur

Menstruation that is usually regular becomes irregular; sometimes Hermina's friends will experience late or earlier menstruation than usual (oligomenorrhea); it is not uncommon for less or more blood to come out during menstruation.

2. Psychological Changes

When approaching menopause, Hermina's friends will experience mood swings, which are often called moody. It is not uncommon for Hermina's friends to experience mood swings and also experience difficulty sleeping and depression.

3. Physical Changes

Hair loss, weight gain, dry skin, feeling hot or hot (hot flashes), night sweats, dizziness, recurrent urinary tract infections, susceptibility to osteoporosis, and heart disease are often signs of physical changes that occur when Hermina's friends experience menopause.

4. Sexual changes

Apart from some of the symptoms that occur above, it is not uncommon for Hermina's friends to also complain about sexual changes, including vaginal dryness and decreased libido (sexual desire).


Causes of menopause

Naturally, every woman will experience menopause at the age of over 45 years, but it is not uncommon to find menopause occurring at the age of under 40 years due to :

1. Primary Ovarian Insufficiency

This condition occurs due to genetic abnormalities or an autoimmune disease that causes the ovaries to stop functioning.

2. Chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment

One of the treatments for uterine cancer, chemotherapy or radiotherapy, can be one of the causes of menopause because it can damage the ovaries.

3. Uterus Removal Surgery (Hysterectomy)


Menopause Treatment

Generally, menopause is a definite condition and cannot be cured, but there are several therapies that Hermina Friends can do to relieve the symptoms that occur if Hermina Friends feel uncomfortable. One of the therapies that Hermina Friends can offer is hormone therapy. If Friends of Hermina feel that they are in the phase towards menopause or are experiencing symptoms of menopause, Friends of Hermina can consult with an ob-gyn specialist at the nearest Hermina Hospital or do an online consultation via the Halo Hermina application
