Complementary Breast Milk (MP-ASI) Food Menu Rich in Animal Protein: Key to Stunting Prevention and the Future of the Golden Generation

Complementary Breast Milk (MP-ASI) Food Menu Rich in Animal Protein: Key to Stunting Prevention and the Future of the Golden Generation

“Why does it have to be animal protein? Does animal protein have better benefits than vegetable protein?” This question often arises in connection with massive outreach regarding guidelines for providing MP-ASI (Complementary Foods for Breast Milk) to prevent stunting. In terms of nutritional composition, protein from animal sources has complete essential amino acids compared to vegetable protein. Essential amino acids are protein-forming substances that are important for the body but the body cannot make itself. Another advantage of animal protein compared to vegetable protein is that it is easier to digest and absorbed by the digestive system.


With the advantages mentioned above, the presence of animal side dishes in MP-ASI as a source of animal protein plays an important role in children's growth and development. Apart from that, animal side dishes are also a food source of important micronutrients needed such as iron, zinc, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin B12 and others. Specifically, animal protein and various important micronutrients in animal side dishes will support the development of brain cells, the growth of bone cells and the formation of immune cells and maintain overall body health.


To meet the criteria for proper and quality MP-ASI, there are at least 2 aspects that must be met, based on WHO recommendations, these 2 aspects are related to quality and quantity. In terms of quality or what is known asMinimal Dietary Diversity, fulfill at least 4 of the 7 food categories that must be included in every meal. What are the 4 of 7?

  • Meat.
  • Grains.
  • Milk or dairy products.
  • Cereals or other sources of carbohydrates.
  • Counts.
  • Fruit.
  • Vegetables.

Meanwhile, in terms of quantity or what is known asMinimal Meal Frequency, The minimum number of portions that need to be applied gradually to babies starting MP-ASI is as follows:

  • 6-9 months, 70% breast milk and 30% MP-ASI.
  • 9-11 months, 50% breast milk and 50% MP-ASI.
  • 12-24 months, 20% breast milk and 80% MP-ASI.

Babies aged 6-9 months need 15 grams of protein, or the equivalent of 2 pieces of animal side dishes in a serving of MP-ASI per day. Then, aged 12-24 months, 20 grams of protein is needed or the equivalent of 3 pieces of animal side dishes. It should be remembered that in children aged 6 months - 2 years animal protein occupies 30% of the total daily energy required.


The way to process animal side dishes so as not to reduce the quality or quantity of their nutritional content is that it is not recommended to do too much processing, such as boiling then frying, then reheating or something similar. The longer the cooking process, the more likely it is to reduce the nutritional value contained.


Food sources of animal protein that are suitable for local food for MP-ASI that are affordable but of course still high quality can be in the form of:

  • Sea fish (milkfish, mackerel, flying fish, etc.), shrimp, crab.
  • Freshwater fish (catfish, snakehead fish, catfish, eels, etc.).
  • Red meat (beef, goat, lamb).
  • White meat (chicken, duck).
  • Eggs (chicken, duck, quail).
  • Offal (liver, gizzard, kidney, heart, brain, intestines).
  • Chicken feet

The phase when a baby is given MP-ASI is a process of learning to eat, so that when there are several obstacles, parents need to enjoy the whole process more patiently, because apart from aiming to provide nutrition and training their little one's ability to eat, MP-ASI also aims to form a close relationship with the baby. parent. Let's create a golden generation together.

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