Preparing Children for Primary Education Through a Psychologist's Approach

Preparing Children for Primary Education Through a Psychologist's Approach

School readiness is an important factor in children's education. This is not only about having complete school supplies or good academic abilities, but also about the child's psychological maturity to enter a new, more structured and demanding environment. This readiness covers various aspects, ranging from motor skills, cognitive, to social-emotional.

Understanding the psychological aspects of school readiness is very important because every child is unique in their development. There are children who may be physically ready, but not necessarily ready emotionally or socially. Therefore, a holistic approach and a deep understanding of child psychology is very necessary to assess and prepare children to be ready for school.

School readiness from a psychological aspect involves various skills that must be developed in children before entering the school environment. These aspects help children to adapt and function effectively in new and more demanding environments.

The psychological aspects of school children's readiness, namely:

- Motor Aspects

Motor skills are the basis of all physical activities that children do. This includes the coordination of physical movements involving both gross and fine motor skills. These skills are important for tasks such as writing, cutting, and various other physical activities they will encounter at school.

- Cognitive Aspect

Cognitive abilities include children's thinking processes, including remembering and capturing new information. It is the foundation for academic learning, solving problems, and making decisions.

- Social-Emotional Aspects

Social-emotional skills involve children's ability to regulate emotions and establish healthy social interactions. This includes sharing, taking turns, and developing empathy for others.

- Aspect of Independence

Independence is a child's ability to carry out tasks without the help of others. This includes daily activities such as dressing, eating, and taking care of personal hygiene.

So, the age factor plays an important role in determining a child's readiness to start primary education. This chapter will discuss the Indonesian government's regulations regarding the mandatory age for basic education and the theory of cognitive development according to Piaget which is related to the maturity of children at the age of 7 years.

The Indonesian government has set rules regarding the mandatory age for basic education in various regulations. According to the Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia Number 9 of 2022, evaluation of the education system by the central and regional governments includes early childhood education, basic education and secondary educationāµ. This shows the government's commitment to ensuring quality education from an early age.

Cognitive Development Theory According to Piaget, a developmental psychologist, put forward a theory of cognitive development which is divided into several stages. According to Piaget, the preoperational stage occurs at ages 2-7 years, where children begin to use symbols and think intuitively¹. At the age of 7 years, children enter the concrete operational stage, where they are able to think logically about concrete objects and events.

At the age of 7 years, children usually show maturity in various aspects that support their readiness for school. They have better motor skills, begin to be aware of their body image, and are able to carry out activities that require good hand-eye coordination. Psychologists recommend that children be admitted to elementary school at an average maturity age of 7 years, even though each child has individual differences in their maturity.

School readiness tests are an important tool used to assess whether a child is ready to enter the school environment. This chapter will discuss the goals and benefits of school readiness tests as well as the assessment methods used in these tests.

Goals and Benefits of School Readiness Tests

The main goal of school readiness tests is to ensure that children have the basic skills and knowledge necessary to be successful in school. This test also helps identify areas where a child may need additional support or intervention before starting formal education.

Benefits of school readiness testing include:

 Understanding the individual characteristics of children, which helps teachers and parents in planning education that suits the child's needs.
 Knowing the child's level of school readiness and maturity is important for adjusting assignments and learning programs.
 Early detection of children's special needs, which allows early intervention to support children's optimal development.

Assessment methods in school readiness tests usually include a variety of instruments and techniques designed to evaluate various aspects of a child's development. This includes:

 Written and oral tests to assess abilities

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