Feeling hungry even though you've eaten? Get to know the types of causes!

Feeling hungry even though you've eaten? Get to know the types of causes!

 A person's body will definitely feel hungry and weak if they haven't eaten all day. But what about people who have eaten but still feel hungry? Maybe you are also one of those who feel this way.

You should be wary of feeling hungry even though you have eaten because it is a symptom of certain health problems. Check out the following causes of feeling hungry even though you have eaten:

1. Lack of sleep

Lack of sleep and rest can trigger the body to produce the hormone ghrelin which functions to stimulate the desire to eat something. Apart from being hungry often, people who don't get enough sleep also tend to consume high-calorie foods.

2. Dehydration

Dehydration conditions can cause the body to feel hungry or want to eat even though you have already eaten

3. Too Many Simple Carbohydrates

Simple carbohydrates can make you often hungry even though you've actually eaten enough. This condition occurs because simple carbohydrates can increase blood sugar levels quickly and can also reduce them quickly

4. Strict Diet

People who diet by restricting calories excessively will often feel hungry throughout the day. This is because the number of calories consumed is too small, causing the body to increase production of the hormone ghrelin so that you will always feel like eating something

5. Undefined


Polyphagia or feelings of extreme hunger can also be a sign of diabetes. When you eat, the body converts food into glucose. Then the body uses the hormone insulin to get glucose from the bloodstream to be distributed to the body's cells. 

 6. Stress

Stress causes levels of the hormone serotonin in the body to decrease. This can trigger feelings of hunger, even though the body is not actually hungry. This condition is also one of the reasons why people who experience stress tend to want to eat constantly.

  7. Unhealthy Eating Patterns 

Consuming a lot of foods that contain carbohydrates and unhealthy fats, such as fast food, can cause feelings of hunger that are often felt even after eating. This is because these foods have less nutritional intake which can make you feel full longer. Try to eat enough nutritious foods such as fruit and vegetables, lean meat and fish, and whole grains.

  8. Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle also often make women become hungry easily. A surge in the hormones estrogen and progesterone and a decrease in serotonin are the main causes of increased appetite. Other symptoms of PMS are increased irritability, mood swings, fatigue and diarrhea.


Reference :

Very Well Health. Accessed 2024. Causes of Polyphagia.

Healthline. Accessed 2024. Polyphagia." class="tw-data-text tw-text-large tw-ta" data-placeholder="Translation" data-ved="2ahUKEwiL-sPu5f2JAxXxSWwGHfp4CIMQ3ewLegQICxAT" dir="ltr" id="tw-target-text" style="text-align:left">Diabetes Mellitus 2


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