The RICE Method, First Aid When Experiencing a Sports Injury

The RICE Method, First Aid When Experiencing a Sports Injury

When doing physical activity, especially while exercising, it is not uncommon for some people to get injured while exercising. Even more so if before doing sports you don't start with sufficient warming up or stretching. Physical injuries can be acute due to overstretched muscles and bruising from impact and this causes pain. This indicates that there is damaged tissue and also causes symptoms such as swelling, bruising and difficulty moving and mobilizing.

When an injury occurs, it is necessary to use the RICE method as a first aid effort to prevent aggravation of the condition. RICE stands for several stages, namely Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. Here are ways to treat and heal sports injuries with the RICE method:


Immediately stop physical activity when the body feels pain. This is because pain indicates there has been damage to certain parts. At the rest stage, resting the body aims to stop the wound to speed up the post-injury recovery period. Resting the injured part of the body is done by not putting excessive burden and pressure on the injured part of the body. It is recommended to stop activity on the injured body part for 24-48 hours. Use assistive devices such as a cane if the injured part is in the leg and the support for the injured part is in the hand.

Ice (Ice Compress)

Do a compress using ice on the injured area of ​​the body. This aims to reduce pain and swelling. Cold temperatures make the injured area more resistant to pain. Avoid applying ice directly to the skin. Apply an ice pack using a towel or cloth. Then compress the injured part for about 10-15 minutes and do it 2-3 times a day.

Compression (Give a little pressure)

Do this by applying slight, even pressure to the injured area with an elastic bandage or dressing. This aims to prevent swelling in the injured area. Avoid tying the bandage too hard.


Elevation (Raising the Injured Part Higher)

Elevating the injured body part is done to minimize swelling. For example, if the injured part of the body is in the leg, then the elevation technique can be done by placing the leg straight and propped up with a pillow so that the leg is higher when sitting or sleeping.

To avoid injury during sports, it is highly recommended to warm up and cool down sufficiently before and after exercising. The golden period for treating injuries is approximately 24-36 hours. The RICE method is only effective for mild to moderate injuries. Immediately consult an orthopedic and traumatology specialist if the injury gets worse even though you have done the RICE method

Greetings healthy
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