anak, orangtua, campak

Measles in Children

There has been an increase in cases of measles among children in Indonesia. Measles is a disease caused by a viral infection and characterized by a red rash all over the body. Measles is a contagious disease and can cause serious complications, especially in infants and children.

 The main cause of measles is infection with viruses from the paramyxovirus family, such as rubeola and rubella. This viral infection can be transmitted by splashing the saliva of a measles patient.

 Please note that people with measles can transmit the disease for 4 days before the red rash appears on the skin. In fact, people with measles can still transmit the disease four days after the red rash appears. In addition, the virus that causes measles can also survive in the air and stick to objects for about 2 hours.

 There are several factors that can increase the risk of transmitting the measles virus to someone. The risk factors for measles are as follows:

  • They have not received the MMR vaccine.
  • The body is deficient in vitamin A. A body that is deficient in vitamin A will be at greater risk of causing more severe measles symptoms.
  • Travel to a country experiencing an outbreak of measles.

Generally, symptoms of measles will appear approximately 7 to 14 days after the body is infected with the rubeola or rubella virus. Early symptoms of measles are high fever, cough, runny nose and red eyes. Indeed, the early symptoms of measles look a little like the common cold.

However, after a few days, measles will display its characteristic symptoms, namely a red rash on the skin. The symptoms of measles are as follows:

  • Cold, cough, and sore throat.
  • The body feels weak.
  • Red eye.
  • High fever.
  • Muscle aches and pains
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Red rash all over the body.
  • Grayish white patches on mucous membranes, such as those of the mouth and throat.

However, measles is a preventable disease or belongs to the PD3I (Immunization-Preventable Disease) type. Therefore, it is important to immunize children against measles to prevent measles infection. If your child has not received the measles immunization, immediately do the immunization at the nearest Hermina Hospital.
