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Myth or Fact, Rarely Bathing Can Cause Eczema?

Sahabat Hermina, eczema is a condition in which patches of skin become itchy, inflamed, red and rough. Some types of eczema can also cause blisters and sores on the skin. Eczema is a condition of dermatitis which is inflammation of the skin and is not contagious. In addition, forgetting skin health such as rare bath time can also cause skin problems. Bathing too often is not good, so rarely bathing is also not good for health. Rarely bathing can cause skin problems because the natural oils that accumulate on the skin cause bacteria to grow. What's more, in cases of eczema it will tend to recur if the skin is not clean. Friends of Hermina, let's get to know the symptoms that cause eczema and what causes it.

Know the Symptoms of Eczema

Eczema symptoms can vary depending on a person's age and the severity of the condition. In general, the appearance of eczema symptoms are:

  • Mild to severe itching may occur.
  • There may be sores or crusts.
  • Dry skin and a scaly rash.
  • Skin infection may occur.

Eczema Skin Care

This treatment aims to heal skin that has been affected by symptoms where there are treatment options, namely:

Home care

  • Take a regular shower.
  • Applying moisturizing cream after bathing every day.
  • Wear clothes with soft fabrics.
  • Avoid rough clothing and avoid wool.
  • Avoiding eczema triggers, such as dust at home.
  • Avoid irritation in contact with the skin dll.

 In addition to home care, there is supportive care with several medical treatments including:

  • Using antihistamines (through a doctor's prescription).
  • Use of corticosteroid creams or ointments, which are anti-inflammatory drugs, to relieve the main symptoms of eczema.
  • Antibiotics prescribed by a doctor if accompanied by a bacterial infection.

Eczema Skin Prevention

Prevention to overcome skin problems such as eczema is done with proper skin care including:

  • Always keep the skin moist by avoiding excessive sweating.
  • Apply moisturizer regularly.
  • Avoiding contact with various eczema triggers.
  • Do not use soap with harsh content.
  • Avoid eating allergy-triggering foods.
  • Avoid bathing using water that is too hot.

Well, don't forget to always maintain healthy skin, OK? If you experience the things mentioned above, such as itching that interferes with daily activities, you should consult a Dermatologist and Venereologist to get the right treatment. Stay healthy.
