The Myth That Spicy Food Can Predict Bowel Disease

The Myth That Spicy Food Can Predict Bowel Disease

Bone bowel disease is an inflammation of the appendix, which is caused by a blockage of the bowel, causing a disruption in the flow of the colon, resulting in swelling, infection and severe pain that requires surgical intervention. A broken bowel can be life-threatening, so an urgent surgery is needed.

There is a myth in people about bowel disease caused by spicy food, related to this there are several factors, whether the bowel occurs because of the eating of spiced foods. But bowel diseases arise when the food enters the belly intestine and causes blockage so that there is inflammation of bowel.

The procedure for treating the intestine is a surgical procedure, but it depends on the type of surgery the doctor recommends.
Here are the types of rectal surgery that are performed:

  1. Open Apendicectomy.
    The procedure is done by making one large incision in the stomach. After making the incision, the surgeon removes the colon and closes it back. 
  2. Laparoscopic apendicectomy.
    This type of surgery uses cameras. With smaller wounds, minimal risk of infection and longer hospitalization faster.

The recovery time depends on the severity of the infection and whether the intestine is broken. If the colon is not broken, the patient can go home 1 to 2 days earlier after the surgery. However, if a rupture occurs, patients should be treated in the hospital intensive care unit.

After surgery, doctors instruct patients to limit activity and estimate recovery time.
Here are steps you can take to speed up the recovery process after colon surgery.

  • Drink medication regularly Reduce coughing and weightlifting
  • Do light exercise Avoid fatty foods
  • Maintain hygiene seams regularly
  • Avoids wearing tight clothes
  • Eat foods rich in vitamin C
  • Aveid sweet foods
  • Avey spicy foods as they can increase the risk of stomach pain
  • Adequate rest time

If you have a condition like this, with proper treatment, make immediate consultation and further examination with a surgeon specialist at Hermina Karawang Hospital.


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