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Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy

Overcoming the complaints that occur during pregnancy is something that pregnant women need to know. It is hoped that the pregnancy that is being carried out will not become something that torments the days of pregnant women, but becomes something that is fun.

Symptoms of nausea and vomiting (morning sickness) are the most common things experienced by pregnant women, especially in the early days of pregnancy or in the first trimester. Although nausea and vomiting will go away on their own when pregnancy enters the second trimester, nausea and vomiting should be wary of. Nausea and vomiting can cause nutritional deficiencies in both pregnant women and the fetus they contain. The first trimester is a critical period in which the fetus is in the early stages of forming the body's organs. If the fetus is deficient in certain nutrients, the formation of a perfect organ can fail. In addition, the fetus is also at risk of being born with low birth weight.

Why can nausea and vomiting occur in pregnant women? Nausea or nausea, in the first months of pregnancy is caused by increased production of the hormone estrogen which provokes an increase in stomach acidity. If the frequency of nausea and vomiting is more frequent in the morning, it is because the distance between dinner and breakfast is quite long. As a result, an empty stomach secretes stomach acid which makes the mother feel more nauseous.

There is also a theory that says, the cause of nausea and vomiting is none other than the HCG (Human chorionic gonodotropin) factor. This hormone is produced by the placenta during early pregnancy. Changes in the mother's body triggered by this hormone then cause nausea. The function of the placenta as circulation and nourishment to the fetus will grow optimally when the pregnancy reaches the age of 12-16 weeks. At this time the nausea and vomiting will usually stop.

Another theory says, the placental cells (villi korialis) attached to the uterine wall initially rejected by the body because it is considered a foreign object. This immunologic reaction triggers the nausea reaction.

Changes in hepatic glycogen metabolism due to pregnancy are also thought to be a cause of nausea and vomiting. However, after there is an adjustment to the placental cells and there is compensation for glycogen metabolism in the body, the nausea will disappear.
The last factor that often determines is the psychological factor of pregnant women. For example, pregnant women who experience stress due to unwanted pregnancy may experience nausea and vomiting.

However, the cause of hyperemesis gravidarum is not yet known for sure. One possibility, namely excessive HCG hormone. It may also be because the adaptation of pregnant women to the hormones that arise during pregnancy is not good. The adaptability of pregnant women, in fact, is very individual, as is an allergic reaction.

If every time you eat and even drink you are always accompanied by vomiting, reduced frequency of urination, and a small amount of urine, then with such indications of hyperemisis gravidarum pregnant women need to be treated. In more severe cases, the husband will usually report that his wife is getting weaker and her face is pale. If the body is constantly weak, it means that the mother is already dehydrated.

To obtain a definite diagnosis, the mother must go through a urine examination in the laboratory. If the urine contains ketones, it means that the pregnant woman is positive and should be admitted to the hospital. During initial treatment, usually all food and drink intake must be intravenously. Patients will generally be fasted for 6-8 hours so that the stomach can rest. After that the feeding will be done gradually. Starting from liquid food, semi-solid food to regular food.

During that time, the mother will also receive anti-nausea medication. Even if you experience gastric ulcers due to insufficient intake, the doctor will treat it with antimaggots. In general, within 24 hours the symptoms of nausea will disappear.

Fetal growth is also monitored via ultrasound. However, the mother is still the main priority that gets attention in treatment. Assuming that if the caloric intake of pregnant women is sufficient, the fetus will also get enough food through the placenta. The length of hospital stay depends on the mother's condition, but the average is 2-3 days. Don't forget, moral support from the family to calm the soul of pregnant women is very necessary. Solve the problems that have been burdening you so far. In essence, get rid of all kinds of stress.

Also make sure the health condition of your womb. If you are experiencing fetal health complaints, check with a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology to get further treatment
