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Black / Brown spots appear on the skin, how do you deal with them?

Black/brown spots/spots that suddenly appear on the skin area certainly make you look less confident, especially when they appear on the face, arms, neck or areas that are directly visible to the human eye.

One of the black spots that we discuss is Lentigo solaris. Lentigo solaris is a brown or black spot, round in shape, with a flat surface.

Lentigo solaris is usually found in middle-aged or elderly people. As we get older, Lentigo spots  can continue to increase in number. The triggers for lentigo solaris are prolonged exposure to sunlight and air pollution.

How to prevent lentigo solaris from appearing?

There are several things you can do to prevent lentigo solaris from appearing, including:

1. Use physical protection, such as clothing that covers the body and a hat or umbrella to protect against sunlight when doing outdoor activities
2. Use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 and reapply every 3-4 hours
When should you go to the doctor to have black/brown spots checked?

Do an examination with a Dermatology, Venerology and aesthetics specialist / Skin, genitals and aesthetics specialist, if there are changes in the spots that could indicate skin cancer, such as:

The color is getting darker
The shape becomes irregular
Has an unusual color combination
The size of the black spot begins to increase rapidly
A rash appears, itches or bleeds

For Hermina Friends, if you experience the above symptoms, just go for an examination with a Dermatology and Venerology Specialist Doctor at RSU Hermina Samarinda. The practice schedule can be accessed directly on the official website of RSU Hermina Samarinda, namely www.herminahospitals.com and you can download the Halo Hermina Application. Healthy with Hermina.

Source :

 - Ernawati, dr. 2021. Educational Book on Skin and Venereal Diseases. Jakarta.

- Indonesian Ministry of Health.  2022. Letingo. https://yankes.kemkes.go.id/view_article/1393/lentigo 

 - Ernawati, dr. 2021. Educational Book on Skin and Venereal Diseases. Jakarta.

Reviewed by: dr. Dina Pebriany, Sp.DV
