Pus Around the Teeth and Gums? Beware of Natural Dental Abscess

Pus Around the Teeth and Gums? Beware of Natural Dental Abscess

Tooth abscess is a medical condition where a cavity forms around the teeth and gums which is filled with pus. Conditions like this usually occur due to lack of attention to dental and oral hygiene, resulting in bacterial infections that result in tooth abscesses.

Please note that tooth abscesses can occur in anyone from adults to children. Therefore, someone who experiences a tooth abscess must immediately receive treatment from a dentist, so that the bacterial infection that occurs does not spread to the neck, head or other parts of the body. Pus that collects around the teeth and gums over time will make the pain worse.

There are three types of tooth abscess, namely:

  • Periodontal abscess, a type of abscess that occurs in the gums next to the root of the tooth and can spread to the surrounding tissue and bone.
  • Periapical abscess, a type of abscess that occurs and develops at the tip of the tooth root
  • Gingival abscess, a type of abscess that occurs in the gums

Causes of tooth abscess, namely:

Until now, the main cause of someone getting a tooth abscess is bacterial infection, such as Streptococcus mutans and Staphylococcus aureus. These bacteria can enter the tooth cavity through holes and cracks in the teeth, which then causes swelling and inflammation.
There are several conditions that make a person more susceptible to bacterial infections:

  • Have a habit of consuming foods and drinks that are high in sugar, such as soft drinks and sweets, which can cause cavities.
  • Lack of awareness about maintaining oral hygiene, conditions like this cause plaque buildup which can cause cavities.
  • The immune system is not good, making it susceptible to infection by various diseases. Usually caused by certain medical conditions.

From these causes, we can also pay attention to the symptoms that can result from a tooth abscess, namely:

  • Bad breath
  • Swollen and painful gums
  • Teeth will appear discolored
  • Fever
  • Pain when consuming food and drink
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Out of breath

So if you experience these symptoms, when should someone go to the dentist? It is better to have regular dental check-ups at least once every 6 months, but if you have symptoms it is recommended to go to the dentist as soon as possible so that the symptoms do not get worse. Because proper treatment by a dentist can minimize the bad effects of a tooth abscess.
For information for all Hermina friends, Hermina Manado Hospital is equipped with dentists, both general dentists and specialist dentists. And if you want to know the practice schedule and make an appointment to see a doctor, you can use the "Halo Hermina" mobile application and website.

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